Category: Random
Downloadable PDF file which covers ∆8 THC dosing in dogs, and specifically refers to article: Failure…
More than forty years ago people didn’t take any crap off their dogs. Dogs were NOT our…
This matters because it kind of addresses some of the ways (and reasons) you can improve the…
This is a very simplified discussion of Hepatic Lipidosis in cats. It’s a condition where a very…
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
If You Love Cats, this is what you should know about obesity in cats, and Hepatic Lipidosis….
If you THINK you’re feeding “Salmon and Sweet Potato”, or, you THINK you’re feeding “Lamb and rice”….
“I don’t have the brand strength and isomer you tested. So I’m just going to give him…
An update on THC Delta 8 Isomer in Dogs Despite the Internet’s insistence…
There may be different, and better things but I know for a FACT that this works, and…