Category: Treatments
Treating Finrot and Mouthrot In Bettas Finrot and mouthrot are bacterial or fungal infections that occur to…
How to Treat a Sick Betta This simple protocol intercepts most of the common problems affecting bettas….
“I just want to treat my sick fish with something. Hurry!” Some folks just won’t check stuff….
How to save your fish almost every time, by adding stuff to the water. The most common…
ACTIVE INGREDIENT Active Ingredients: 200 mg Erythromycin per packet. Note on Erythromycin: Erythromycin is most effective against gram-positive…
There are two ‘strengths’ of Ich-X For Aquarium (Click): Water, Formaldehyde (<5%), Methanol (<2%), Malachite Green Chloride (<0.1%)…
ACTIVE INGREDIENT Active Ingredients in General Cure: 500 mg Metronidazole and 150 mg Praziquantel per teaspoon. DOSAGE…
Dr Yanong on Antibiotics and Fish Dr Yanong wrote this down in Florida for the fish farmers…
What’s in API’s Fin (Finrot) and Body Cure? Answer: 250mg Doxycycline per packet. Application to the water…
What Is In API’s Super Ick Cure? API is a little bit vague about their API Super…
Orandas with Pimples in Their Caps Many hobbyists report the development of pimples in the head growth…