FDA Looking at Association With DCM and Grain Free Diets

FDA Looking at Association With DCM and Grain Free Diets

Just a copy of what I put together on this issue, in a downloadable, printable PDF format. You can look at it online, or print it. If anything else becomes available on this issue, I will upload the news to the web site johnsonvet.com 

FDA Looking at Association Between Certain Foods and DCM_2019

I also like this article very much, it’s written by Angie Krause DVM out at Boulder Holistic Vet. She’s bright. It’s a good article.


Doc Johnson

Dr Erik Johnson is a Marietta, Georgia Veterinarian with a practice in small animal medicine. He graduated from University of Georgia with his Doctorate in 1991. Dr Johnson is the author of several texts on Koi and Pond Fish Health and Disease as well as numerous articles on dog and cat health topics.