Where I Get My Coronavirus News These Days

How can you know what’s going on with Coronavirus if:

  1. One media outlet is spinning Coronavirus news to look bad on the Trump administration.
  2. The other media outlet is minimizing the statistics to look good on the Trump administration?

For example; Time Magazine, the Washington Post, New York Times and National Public Radio spend disproportionate amounts of time  demeaning the current administration at every turn. Their negative,  “spinny” reporting of the ‘world-ending-apocalypse-caused-by-the-president-we-don’t-like’ would make you think that we’re all going to die.

Make no mistake: There’s a Conservative narrative too, that also cripples trustworthy reporting:

CBS, CNN, Breitbart and Fox are spinning things saying that the President has got this under control – doing a great job.

How can you know how the Covid thing is unfolding, REALLY with everyone tying it to a political AGENDA?

Sadly, it’s biased and in both cases, lopsided and inaccurate.

So: I get my news two places. And they’re both OUTSIDE our establishment media.


Al Jazeera was set up to provide unbiased reporting on what’s going on in the contentious world of middle-eastern religious and political division. A world where the media is lethally controlled to silence political dissent. They couldn’t remain around as a mouthpiece for one government or another, or as a mouthpiece for one Muslim faction or another and so they’ve pretty much decided to be utterly NONpartisan religiously, politically and I USUALLY cannot tell whether they’re Muslim or not, whether they’re “for” a particular government or not. And it’s AMAZING to read articles about Trump that are DAMNING in one column, and then others that are POSITIVE in the same news outlet. To me, that’s how I know I’m on to a good news agency.

I use the Aljazeera APP because it’s easy and I get notifications I can choose to read or not.

The Epoch Times

The Epoch Times has made the owners of the major American news outlets PERSONALLY and PROFESSIONALLY interested in seeing them “dead” philosophically and fiscally. And these families and publishing moguls will probably make it happen. BUT in the MEANTIME I’m a subscriber.

Question I had: Is the EPOCH TIMES absolutely unbiased? PROBABLY NOT according to WikiPedia.org

Epoch Times Home Page

Epoch Times Youtube Channel

In summary, I think The Epoch Times is the brainchild of a spiritual Chinese guy who knows that the best way to improve life for Chinese citizens under a communist regime is a stronger, united, better-informed America. Imagine that. He’s hired a bunch of impartial journalists to debunk Chinese lies, American lies, all lies. And MSNBC hates him the very, very most.



Dr Erik Johnson is a Marietta, Georgia Veterinarian with a practice in small animal medicine. He graduated from University of Georgia with his Doctorate in 1991. Dr Johnson is the author of several texts on Koi and Pond Fish Health and Disease as well as numerous articles on dog and cat health topics.