Ponddigger On Fish Health – Eric Triplett
An old buddy of mine named Eric Triplett is ‘The Ponddigger’ and he’s made a bunch of videos of interest to pond keepers. And subject matter? I think you’d need a year to see it all. Fortunately, Youtube has a search function (Click) ha ha ha ha!
Anyhoo. So he did a video in 2015 that says some good stuff. My favorite point is that people try to learn about fish diseases WHEN their fish are sick. It’s hurried, and difficult. He suggests learning about it BEFORE it’s time. And he’s got ideas on that.
..people try to learn about fish diseases WHEN their fish are sick. It’s hurried, and difficult.
And, if you like his demeanor and what he’s saying, check out his other vids and subscribe to his channel.
Ponddigger On Fish Health – Eric Triplett