Hand Sanitizer? No, I Like Ethanol Spray Better
Note to my family on how to protect themselves. Personal.
See note at end about corrosive side effects of some alcohols*.
Hand sanitizer is great. Above 60% ethanol it’s effective. But it’s not great for keypads, door handles, chair-arms, etc.
You go to the gas station and are confronted with a LOT to touch that may have corona virus on it. So when my spouse mentioned we could be using ethanol spray, I was piqued. So she made up some pure ethanol and essential oil spray and it works great. So much more versatile than gels.
I like my little spray bottles with ethanol, I add a drop of essential oils to make it smell better and avoid so much drying on my hands. (I don’t like gloves very much.)
Buying ethanol / alcohol from medical / pharmacy sources is right out, now. They barely have any. But most of the time you can still find STRONG alcohols at 190 proof, at the liquor store.
And that’s what you need. I prefer “Everclear” but “Gold Grain” is the same basic idea. 190 Proof is 95% pure alcohol.

Your hands are one of the main routes that viruses make their way from surfaces to your respiratory system, so keeping them clean is one of the most effective things you can do to stop yourself contracting the virus. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water where possible and if you can’t get to a sink, an alcohol-based hand sanitiser will do the trick.
While the effectiveness of alcohol gels depends on the virus being targeted – which is why some alcohol hand rubs aren’t very effective against norovirus – the coronavirus has an envelope structure which alcohol can attack. Hand sanitisers with more than 60 per cent alcohol content are most effective at killing microbes.*
*From: https://www.wired.co.uk/article/alcohol-kills-coronavirus-myth-busting
**A note of caution however: I’m using ethanol, Everclear 190 Proof. That’s it. I’ve been warned by Heather that the isopropyl and other 99% medical alcohols at my office will eat paint. And stuff. Then one of my best friends sent me a picture of his door lock. Same lock as I have on my house. But look at his!