You won’t find a Pet Pharmacy on the VIPPS List of Accredited Pharmacies and that’s because many of their medications are jobbed from overseas markets and some are grey market (for example heartworm preventatives, purchased from Veterinarians just like me). But check out their websites. 800Petmeds says they’re accredited. Then check out the VIPPS list (Click). Search the VIPPS Database just in case you missed them? (Click)
Here’s PetMeds idea of NAPB Verification, taken from their web site on September 16th 2019:
Which (click) has absolutely nothing to do with anything related to accredited pharmacies.
Here’s what buying a Dot-Pharmacy TLD and therefore “Verified” means:
It’s pretty diluted in its value. Because being able to buy a *.pharmacy Top Level Domain means you’re just a real pharmacy. It doesn’t mean your compliant with state and federal law. There’s another level of NABP “verification” for that: Called “Accreditation” A whole different thing.
NABP *accreditation* is granted to pharmacies that are in full compliance.
For “verified” status, all you have to do is have a legitimate business license as a recognized pharmacy in your region of the world. You don’t have to be lawful. NAPB will give you accreditation if you are actually compliant with all human-tier laws and regulations. No Pet Pharmacy has ever rated NABP Accreditation. They can’t. They get meds from a gray market and from overseas and professional (veterinary) diversion.
They are ABSOLUTELY counting on the public not to check. It just looks good.
This is what Pet Pharmacies would have to do to get ACCREDITED. Forget about it. LOL
Doubt what I’m saying? No problem, here’s the VIPPS search page. Put in any pharmacy name and check.
Wait, only human pharmacies can get VIPPS Accredited? Not, so, actually: (From this page)
I. Types of Organizations that May Apply
The following types of organizations may apply for approval to register a .pharmacy domain name if they offer prescription drugs or prescription drug-related products, services, or information via the internet:
- Pharmacy
- Human Pharmacy
- Veterinary Pharmacy
- Pharmacy