Folks face brush algae, also known as beard algae, black beard algae, red algae which is a tight, fastidious and hard bristle algae that can cover surfaces and mar the appearance of a fish tank and its ornamentation.
Hardly anything eats it.
The REAL Siamese Algae Eater
I’ve taken rocks and ornaments out into the sun and let the stuff dry (mostly) and when you put it back into the tank it “dies” and becomes palatable for plecostomus. But that’s a lot of work.
The True Siamese Algae Eater supposedly eats this algae. You can bet that the fish would RATHER eat easier algae but if you’re down to brush / bristle / beard algae that’s usually all you got.
Here’s an audio track that describes the True Siamese Algae Eater. Commit these two things to memory: From nose into tail bar, and transparent fins.