You can pick up this book and read it cover to cover in under 2 hours. At the conclusion of that read, you will know more USEFUL information than most hobbyists. It doesn’t have to take twenty years to learn how important the pH of the water is, for example. But what’s REALLY good, is knowing exactly what parts you even need to care about.
- Super simple, without being simplistic.
- Effective and fast way to learn enough to save your fish in a disease outbreak.
- Full color illustrations in a 40 page easy-read
- QR Codes to additional online resources.
- Additional (free) online resources include downloads, videos, actual presentations, Q&A’s
- This is EXACTLY the book you need when you buy your first fish tank.
Table of Contents (HERE)
Dr. Johnson with a few more words about “Saving Sick Fish”
Audio PlayerThe book should list for $24.99 and I suspect that most retailers and online vendors will get down around $20 for competitive reasons. I don’t “set” a price. I have $24.99 as a sort of MSRP but on this website I am selling copies for $19.99 each plus shipping.
Ask Sara What You Should Order, A Video Questionnaire