Pilling The Impossible Pet Dog or Cat
You will need:
- A Muzzle
- A Pill Crusher
- A bulb syringe (Kids Nose Snot Sucker)
A LOT of the time, you have to give a medicine to a dog or cat that won’t eat.
Worse, there are dogs who have no problem at all with biting their owners. (My dog would sooner die)
When you get a dog that won’t eat a pill, in a treat or piece of cheese or bread, you need to push the pill down their throat, or make it into a ‘drink’. And syringe that into the dog.
Equipment you’ll need:
Pill crusher
Large bulb syringe. (Kid’s Snot Sucker)
Gravy or syrup, or peanut butter loosened up with water or milk.
Simply crush the pills ONE AT A TIME and put the crushed remains into the liquid of your choice. I’m using the juice from Beanie Weenies.
Stir the juice and the pill-powder together and pull up in a bulb syringe.
PUT A MUZZLE ON THE DOG IF NEEDED. It should NOT be very tight, but it should NOT be very loose.
You’ll need two people almost assuredly.
Tilt the dog’s head UP and back. Someone may need a decent grip, and possibly put a leg behind the dog’s head to keep it backing it’s head out of reach. Try gentle and firm FIRST, before racking down. Work gently but firmly. If the dog is obedient in the least, being firm but kind in voice works. If the dog has never really obeyed you, this could be impossibly difficult.
Put some of the medicated – liquid into the front of the mouth, past the teeth: On either side, there is a gap right behind the fangs.
Hold the mouth UP and shut and see if the dog will keep the medicine in it’s mouth. Much of the time, the dog will just lick the medicine down. Once it figures out what you’re doing, they usually submit.
A dog that won’t be ‘given’ its medicine will require INJECTIONS of the medicine and that will EXPONENTIALLY increase the cost of recovery. Or, without it’s medication, it may simply die.
“Well, he’s not much better, but…. I can’t get the medicine in him.”
So, liquefy the medicine and muzzle it through – OR I’ll give the meds in an injectable format.
$10 worth of pills becomes $100 in injections. YOUCH!!!! This would be good to avoid!
Doc Johnson