Category: Veterinary Care
Big area including meds, treatments, science, techniques and more
How To Tell if Your Dog is Low Thyroid / Hypothyroid? There are at least three symptoms…
How Much Magnesium Does a Dog Need? How Much is Toxic? How is it Given? The following…
“How much Zinc does a dog need? How much zinc is toxic?” The question sometimes comes up,…
What’s So Amazing About Zymox Zymox is a mixture of squalene which is an oil with a…
Flea Control in Dogs and Cats Download: FLEAS: ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW IN ONE PAGE (pdf)…
DHEA’s Impact on Obesity in Dogs Showed 60% Improvement in Loss Just another study showing that DHEA…
Stephen Cherniske and Life Extensions Magazine put this together. I put it here on my web site…
Pain Management System, Gradual Progression When a dog or cat suffers arthritis pain in later years, it’s…
Emory University was looking for a way to control pain in people who needed to be ‘sharp’…
Why Is There a Prescription Fee For Medicines? Prescription fees can work! In a nutshell, if you…
What’s so great about Phycox? Well I’ve gotten older and there’s some pain in aging and some…