Page 101 - Raw Diet References Book 2019
P. 101

VI         Feeding Test Protocols

            Table VI-1. Recommended feeding trial protocol for the determination
            of metabolizable energy of cat and dog food

              GE         Gross energy                         CP         Crude protein

              DE         Digestible energy                    DP         Digestible protein

              ME         Metabolizable energy                 BW         Body weight

              kJ         Kilojoule                            Cr2O3      chromium III oxide

              kcal       Kilocalorie

            1. INDICATOR METHOD

            1.1 Introduction

              This feeding protocol has been designed in order to   dog and cat food metabolizable energy protocols -
            determine ME of cat & dog foods in a way not harmful   Indicator Method” (AAFCO 2007).
            for cats and dogs and is adapted from the “AAFCO

            1.2 Protocol

            1.2.1 Animals

              A minimum of six fully grown animals at least one   breed. Animals shall be individually housed during
            year of age shall complete the test. The animals shall   the trial (collection period).
            be in good health and of known weight, sex and

            1.2.2 Feeding procedures

              Feeding procedures shall be standardized. The   as necessary, to maintain body weight.
            feeding shall consist of two phases.
                                                                The second phase shall be the total collection
              The first phase shall be the pre-collection period   period; faeces and possibly urine will be collected
            of at least three days for dogs and five days for cats   during at least four days (96 hours) for dogs and five
            (Nott et al. 1994) with the objective of acclimatising   days (120 hours) for cats.
            the test animals to the diet and adjusting food intake,

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