Page 105 - Raw Diet References Book 2019
P. 105

2.2.5 Times of feeding

              Animals shall be fed at least once daily and at the   instructions for the product. The excess food shall be
            same time each day. Water shall be available at all   weighed back after feeding.
            times. Food shall be fed as is, or per normal feeding

            2.2.6 Pre-trial termination

              If, during the pre-collection phase, the food is   by a majority of the animals, the trial shall not proceed
            continually rejected or results in minimal consumption   into the collection phase.

            2.2.7 Faeces collection

              It is imperative that all collection containers be clearly   c.  Place collections in freezer for storage.
            marked using double labels or any alternative adequate   d. Faeces may be dried each day.
            coding. The labels shall include the animal number,
            diet number, and dates of collection. Faeces shall be   •  Weigh and record the weight of the faeces and
            collected daily for a minimum of four days for dogs and   container each day, and determine net weight of
            five days for cats. Every effort should be made to collect   faeces. If the volume of faeces is large, an aliquot
            all of the faeces and avoid collecting contaminants such   may be retained for drying.
            as hair. The methodology is as follows:
                                                                •  Dry daily faeces collection (or aliquot). Faeces
            a. Weigh collection container and record weight.      should be thin enough to dry quickly. Otherwise,
                                                                  nitrogen and carbon losses may occur due to
            b. Place faeces in the respective animal’s container   fermentation products.
               for that day of collection. Collect faeces as
               quantitatively as possible.                      •  Pool the entire collection or proportional aliquots.

            2.2.8 Sample preparation

              Food The food shall be blended to ensure a      remaining sample should be frozen and retained
            uniform consistency and an adequate quantity      until assay results have been reviewed and found
            used for appropriate assays. Ample quantities of the   acceptable.

              Faeces Faeces shall be analyzed using composite   appropriate assays. Ample quantities of the remaining
            samples. The samples shall be blended to ensure a   sample should  be  frozen  and  retained  until  assay
            uniform consistency and an adequate quantity used for   results have been reviewed and found acceptable.

              Urine If urine collections are made, they shall be for   the urine and prevent nitrogen loss. After the total
            the same period as the faeces collections. Urine shall   urine volume is determined, aliquot samples shall be
            be collected with a minimum of contamination, in a   freeze-dried in an appropriate container.
            urine receptacle containing sulphuric acid to stabilize

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