Page 103 - Raw Diet References Book 2019
P. 103

Faeces Faeces shall be analyzed using composite   appropriate assays. Ample quantities of the remaining
            samples. The samples shall be blended to ensure a   sample should  be  frozen  and  retained  until  assay
            uniform consistency and an adequate quantity used for   results have been reviewed and found acceptable.

              Urine Urine shall be collected in sulphuric acid   collection period shall be freeze dried and pooled per
            containing receptacles to stabilize the urine and   animal in sufficient amount for GE assay.
            prevent loss of nitrogen. Aliquots of urine from the

            1.2.9 Analytical determination

              Prepared samples shall be used for analysis. AOAC   Food and faeces are analysed for the indicator by the
            approved analytical methodology shall be used when   same method (Atomic absorption spectrophotometry
            available or one of the recommended analytical    is the preferred method if chromic oxide is used as
            methods listed on p. 33. Food and faeces shall be   the indicator (Arthur 1970). Since controlled sample
            assayed for gross energy (bomb  calorimetry),  crude   digestion and oxidation of the chromic oxide
            protein, and the indicator. If urine is collected, gross   to chromates is critical for reproducible results,
            energy and crude protein in the urine should also be   colorimetric analysis of chromium is less reproducible
            determined.                                       than atomic absorption spectrophotometry.

              If digestibility values of dry matter, fat or other   Food, faeces and urine (if collected) are stored in
            nutrients are wanted, food and faeces should also be   the freezer in case of need for further analysis
            assayed for those substances.

            1.2.10  Calculation of digestible energy and digestible nutrients

              Digestible energy & protein The determination is   consumed minus the energy or crude protein in the
            based on assays of the gross energy or crude protein   faeces.

                                          {1 - (GE of faeces x % Cr2O3 in food) } x GE of food
              DE (kcal or kJ/g) =
                                             (GE of food x % Cr2O3 in faeces)

                                          {1 - (% CP in faeces x % Cr2O3 in food) } x CP in food
              DP (% food) =
                                             (% CP in food x % Cr2O3 in faeces)

              Digestible fat, ash and dry matter can be calculated in the same way as digestible protein.

             1.2.11  Calculation of metabolizable energy

              Metabolizable energy The determination is based   energy lost in faeces and in the urine.
            on assays of the gross energy consumed minus the

              If urine is collected       ME (kcal or kJ/g) = DE - GE of urine

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