Page 98 - Raw Diet References Book 2019
P. 98

V          Analytical Methods

              In order to obtain representative results, samples   To obtain a representative analysis, multiple samples
            have to be collected and treated according to     coming from different batches have to be analysed.
            the general principles laid down in Commission    A composite sample made from multiple samples is
            Regulation (EC) No 152/2009 of 27 January 2009    also valid. To evaluate the results of a single-sample
            establishing Community methods of sampling and    analysis, maximum tolerances for deviation from the
            analysis for the official control of feeding stuffs.  declared values, as foreseen in ANNEX 4 of Regulation
                                                              767/2009 on the marketing and use of feed should be
              The analysis of only one sample may not reflect the   permitted as well as tolerances for analytical latitudes.
            level declared in the average analysis of the product.


              Nutrient                      Method Reference(S)

                                            Regulation (EC) 152/2009 O.J. 26/02/2009 L 54
                                            ISO/DIS 6491
                                            Regulation (EC) 152/2009 O.J. 26/02/2009 L 54
                                            ISO /DIS 6496
              Protein (crude)               Regulation (EC) 152/2009 O.J. 26/02/2009 L 54
              Arginine                      Regulation (EC) 152/2009 O.J. 26/02/2009 L 54
              Histidine                     Regulation (EC) 152/2009 O.J. 26/02/2009 L 54
              Isoleucine                    Regulation (EC) 152/2009 O.J. 26/02/2009 L 54
              Lysine                        Regulation (EC) 152/2009 O.J. 26/02/2009 L 54
              Methionine                    Regulation (EC) 152/2009 O.J. 26/02/2009 L 54
              Cystin/Cystein                Regulation (EC) 152/2009 O.J. 26/02/2009 L 54
              Phenylalanine                 Regulation (EC) 152/2009 O.J. 26/02/2009 L 54
              Tyrosine                      Regulation (EC) 152/2009 O.J. 26/02/2009 L 54
              Threonine                     Regulation (EC) 152/2009 O.J. 26/02/2009 L 54
              Valine                        Regulation (EC) 152/2009 O.J. 26/02/2009 L 54
                                            Regulation (EC) 152/2009 O.J. 26/02/2009 L 54
                                            2nd ISO/CD 13904
              Fat (crude)                   Regulation (EC) 152/2009 O.J. 26/02/2009 L 54
                                            VDLUFA method 5.6.2
                                            B.S.I method BS684: section 2.34 :
              Linoleic Acid
                                            ISO 5509-1997
                                            AOAC 15th ed. (1990) 969.33 & 963.22

                                            VDLUFA method 5.6.2
                                            B.S.I method BS684: section 2.34 :
              Arachidonic Acid
                                            ISO 5509-1997
                                            AOAC 15th ed. (1990) 969.33 & 963.22
              Fiber (crude)                 Regulation (EC) 152/2009 O.J. 26/02/2009 L 54
              Ash (crude)                   Regulation (EC) 152/2009 O.J. 26/02/2009 L 54
                                            Regulation (EC) 152/2009 O.J. 26/02/2009 L 54
                                            ISO/DIS 6869

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