Page 94 - Raw Diet References Book 2019
P. 94

Sodium (Adult cats) Scientific data show that   a  Burger I. Water balance in the dog and the cat. Pedigree Digest
            sodium levels up to 3.75g/1000kcal ME are safe for   1979; 6: 10-11.
            healthy cats a, b. Higher levels may still be safe, but no   b  Nguyen P, Reynolds B, Zentek J, Passlack N, Leray V. Sodium in
            scientific data are available.                      feline nutrition. J Anim Physiol Anim Nutr 2016.

              Sodium (Growth) Based on plasma aldosterone     a  Yu S, Morris JG. The minimum sodium requirement of
            concentration Yu and Morris recommended that a food   growing kittens defined on the basis of plasma aldosterone
            for kittens should contain a minimum of 0.16% DM of   concentration. J. Nutr. 1997; 127: 494-501.
            sodium at 5.258kcal ME/g (22kJ). a This corresponds
            with 0.16% at 4kcal ME/g after adding a safety margin
            of about 30%.


              Chloride Value based on the assumption that
            chloride is provided as NaCl.


              Magnesium Studies have demonstrated that 10mg/  a  Pastoor FJ, Van't Klooster AT, Opitz R, et al. Effect of dietary
            MJ will maintain adult cats. This value has been   magnesium level on urinary and faecal excretion of calcium,
            doubled to accommodate interactions with other     magnesium and phosphorus in adult, ovariectomized cats. Br J
            dietary factors. a                                 Nutr. 1995; 74 (1): 77-84.

            TRACE ELEMENTS


              General Manufacturers are reminded that the     -
             bioavailability of trace-elements is reduced by a high
             content of certain minerals (e.g. calcium), the level of
             other trace elements (e.g. high zinc decreases copper
             absorption) and sources of phytic acid (e.g. cereals,


              Copper  Owing  to  its low  availability  copper  oxide   a  Fascetti AJ, Morris JG, Rogers QR. Dietary copper influences
             should not be considered as a copper source. a     reproductive efficiency of queens. J. Nutr 1998; 128: 2590S-2592S


              Iodine Based on the Tc99m thyroid to salivary   a  Wedekind KJ, Blumer ME, Huntington CE, et al. The Feline
             ratio, Wedekind et al. (2010) have estimated that the   Iodine Requirement is Lower than the 2006 NRC Recommended
             minimum requirement of iodine for the cat is 0.46mg/  Allowance. J Anim Phys and Anim Nutr 2010; 94 (4): 527–539.
             kg DM; but closer analysis of the data indicated that
             iodine requirements may be closer to 1.1mg/kg DM. a

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