Page 176 - Raw Diet References Book 2019
P. 176

Proposed Revisions Edited per Comments for 2014 Official Publication    9

                            FAT/FATTY ACIDS
                                The  CNES  increased the  minimum recommended amount for total  fat in the
                            AAFCO Dog Food Nutrient Profiles by 0.5% to 8.5% for Growth and Reproduction
                            and 5.5% for Adult Maintenance.  These concentrations are consistent with the RA for
                            total fat in the 2006 NRC and the FEDIAF Guidelines.  The CNES also increased the
                            minimum recommended linoleic acid concentration in the Growth and Reproduction
                            Profile from 1.0% to 1.3% and in the Adult Maintenance Profile from 1.0% to 1.1%,
                            again consistent with the RA in the 2006 NRC.  The CNES did not set a minimum
                            recommended concentration  for arachidonic acid in either profile, but did establish
                            minimum recommended concentrations for some  fatty acids in the n-3 (omega-3)
                            series in the Growth and Reproduction Profile, specifically,  alpha-linolenic acid at
                            0.08%, and the combination of eicosapentaenoic plus docosahexaenoic acids at 0.05%,
                            of DM.  Because the scientific evidence to date indicates that these n-3 fatty acids are
                            needed for the development of the  nervous and visual systems during fetal and
                            neonatal life stages, the CNES did not feel there was scientific justification for setting a
                            specific  minimum recommended concentrations  for n-3 fatty acids for adult
                            maintenance.   A  recommendation  in a comment  to list quantities of  alpha-linolenic
                            acid and eicosapentaenoic plus docosahexaenoic acids for adult maintenance as being
                            not determined (ND) was accepted by the AAFCO Pet Food Committee.
                                The CNES did not establish maximum concentrations for fat or fatty acids despite
                            the NRC listing a  safe  upper limit (SUL)  for total crude fat, linoleic acid, and the
                            combination of eicosapentaenoic plus docosahexaenoic acids.  The CNES felt it likely
                            that insufficiencies in other nutrients will occur in a conventional formula before an
                            inclusion of  33% crude fat in DM is reached.   Also, although some differences in
                            delayed hypersensitivity reactions were noted in studies cited by the NRC as the basis
                            for setting the SUL for eicosapentaenoic plus docosahexaenoic acids, the 2007 CNES
                            noted that those differences are not unequivocally undesirable or detrimental.   The
                            CNES did elect to set a maximum for the ratio of the sum of linoleic plus arachidonic
                            acids  to  the  sum of  alpha-linolenic, eicosapentaenoic,  and docosahexaenoic acids  at
                            30:1 given the  modulating effects  of n-3  fatty acids on  n-6  metabolism and the
                            predominant contribution of these  fatty acids to the  n-6 and n-3 fatty acid contents,
                            respectively, in conventional dog food formulas.

                            CALCIUM & PHOSPHORUS
                                The CNES decreased the recommended  minimum concentration of calcium and
                            phosphorus in the Adult Maintenance Profile by 0.1% to 0.5% and 0.4%, respectively.
                            The current recommended minimum concentrations are 0.1%  more than the RA for
                            calcium and phosphorus on a DM basis for adult maintenance in the 2006 NRC but
                            consistent with the concentrations in the FEDIAF Guidelines.  The CNES increased the
                            minimum calcium and phosphorus concentrations in the Growth and Reproduction
                            Profile to 1.2% and 1.0%,  respectively, consistent  with the 2006 NRC RA and
                            FEDIAF Guidelines.  The CNES  recommended that  the  calcium and phosphorus  in
                            growth formulas for the large-bred or large-size dogs be allowed to decrease to 0.9%
                            and 0.75%, respectively, while still being judged to meet the Growth and Reproduction
                            Nutrient Profile.  However, based on comments and a publication  demonstrating that
                            some diets containing 0.88% to 1.04% Ca on a DM basis (2.2 to 2.6 g Ca/1000 kcal
                            ME) when fed to medium- or large-breed puppies produced inhibited growth in 10-
                            week growth studies compared to diets containing between 1.3 to 1.8% Ca,  the
                            AAFCO Pet Food Committee elected to keep the minimum recommended calcium and
                            phosphorus concentrations in the Growth and Reproduction Nutrient Profile at 1.2%
                            and 1.0%, respectively, for all dog food products that substantiate nutritional adequacy
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