Page 178 - Raw Diet References Book 2019
P. 178

Proposed Revisions Edited per Comments for 2014 Official Publication    11

                            FEDIAF Guidelines  for same life stages.  The 2007 CNES decreased the
                            recommendation  for adult  maintenance  from 80 to 40  mg/kg DM based on
                            considerations that the RA of the 2006 NRC  was 30  mg/kg DM and the FEDIAF
                            Guidelines concentration was 36 mg/kg DM.  The 2007 CNES deleted the maximum
                            concentration for iron based on one scientific and one practical regulatory
                            consideration.  First, the 2006 NRC indicated that appropriate data for setting a SUL
                            for iron  in dog  foods are  not available.   The  previous maximum concentration was
                            stated to be based on tolerance data in swine.  The 2005 Mineral Tolerance of Animals
                            indicated that the listed tolerance of 3000 mg/kg DM for swine needed to be confirmed
                            by long-term studies and all other tolerances for iron listed in that publication are 6
                            times  less  than 3000  mg/kg DM.    Second,  the  implied  safety  of  a  maximum
                            concentration presumes some amount of apparent digestibility and, as noted above, the
                            apparent digestibility of iron in any given diet or combination of ingredients can vary
                            from less than 10% to near 100%.  Some sources of iron are considered unavailable
                            and used for their technical effects (i.e., color) on the product and not for their nutrient
                            contribution of iron to the animal.  Such unavailable sources will still contribute iron to
                            an analytical result for determining product content, and thus a  maximum
                            concentration set for available sources of iron might prohibit use of unavailable sources
                            for coloring,  whereas a  maximum concentration  set  for unavailable colorants  might
                            permit use of unsafe amounts of available sources on the basis of analytical content.
                            Thus, the 2007 CNES elected to delete the previous maximum of 3000 mg/kg DM and
                            not list any other value as a maximum for iron.  Manufacturers should note that iron is
                            toxic at some amount greater than the recommended quantities, but the exact amount is
                            unknown for dogs.
                                The minimum concentration for copper in the Adult Maintenance Nutrient Profile
                            was not changed from the previous amount of 7.3 mg/kg DM, the concentration being
                            consistent with that of the FEDIAF Guidelines and slightly more than the 2006 NRC
                            RA of 6.0 mg/kg.  The  2007  CNES  increased the minimum recommended
                            concentration in the Growth  and Reproduction Nutrient Profile to 12.4  mg/kg DM,
                            consistent with the 2006 NRC RA for peak lactation and slightly more than FEDIAF
                            Guidelines and the NRC RA for growth.  Because of poor bioavailability, the use of
                            copper oxide as a nutritional source is excluded.   The 2007 CNES deleted the copper
                            maximum concentration for many of the same science-based reasons cited above for
                            deleting the maximum for iron content.
                                The minimum concentration for manganese in  the Adult Maintenance Nutrient
                            Profile was not changed from the previous amount of 5.0 mg/kg DM, the amount being
                            slightly  more than the 2006 NRC RA of 4.8 and slightly less than the FEDIAF
                            Guidelines of 5.6 mg/kg DM.  The 2007 CNES increased the minimum recommended
                            concentration in the Growth and Reproduction Nutrient  Profile to 7.2 mg/kg DM,
                            consistent with the 2006 NRC RA for peak lactation and slightly more than FEDIAF
                            Guidelines concentrations and NRC RA for growth.
                                The 2006 NRC RA for zinc in  growth, reproduction, and adult  maintenance
                            formulations  was less than  the previous  concentration in the  Dog  Food Nutrient
                            Profiles of 120 mg/kg DM and the 2007 CNES decreased the recommended minimum
                            concentration to 100 mg/kg DM in the Growth and Reproduction Nutrient Profile and
                            to 80 mg/kg DM in the Adult Maintenance Nutrient Profile consistent with the 2006
                            NRC RA and FEDIAF Guidelines concentrations.  Both the 2005 Mineral Tolerance of
                            Animals  and the  2006  Nutrient Requirements of Dogs and Cats  state there is not
                            enough data available to set a tolerance or SUL for zinc in dog foods.  The 2007 CNES
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