Page 181 - Raw Diet References Book 2019
P. 181

Proposed Revisions Edited per Comments for 2014 Official Publication    14

                              Linoleic acid         %          0.6           0.6
                               alpha-Linolenic acid   %        0.02         ND
                              Arachidonic acid      %          0.02         0.02
                               Eicosapentaenoic +
                              acid                  %         0.012         ND

                              Calcium               %          1.0           0.6
                              Phosphorus            %          0.8           0.5
                              Potassium             %          0.6           0.6
                              Sodium                %          0.2           0.2
                              Chloride              %          0.3           0.3
                              Magnesium             %          0.08         0.04
                              Iron    f           mg/kg        80            80
                              Copper (extruded)     mg/kg      15             5
                              Copper (canned)     mg/kg        8.4            5
                              Manganese           mg/kg        7.6           7.6
                              Zinc                mg/kg        75            75
                              Iodine              mg/kg        1.8           0.6          9.0
                              Selenium            mg/kg        0.3           0.3

                            Vitamins & Others
                              Vitamin A           IU/kg       6668          3332        333300
                              Vitamin D           IU/kg        280           280         30080
                              Vitamin E           IU/kg        40            40
                              Vitamin K           mg/kg        0.1           0.1
                              Thiamine            mg/kg        5.6           5.6
                              Riboflavin          mg/kg        4.0           4.0
                              Pantothenic acid    mg/kg        5.75         5.75
                              Niacin              mg/kg        60            60
                              Pyridoxine          mg/kg        4.0           4.0
                              Folic acid          mg/kg        0.8           0.8
                              Biotin              mg/kg        0.07         0.07
                              Vitamin B 12        mg/kg       0.020         0.020
                              Choline             mg/kg       2400          2400
                              Taurine (extruded)    %          0.10         0.10
                              Taurine (canned)      %          0.20         0.20

                               Presumes an energy density of 4000 kcal ME/kg as determined in accordance with
                              Regulation PF9. Formulations greater than 4000 kcal ME/kg must be corrected for
                              energy density; formulations less than 4000 kcal ME/kg need not be corrected for
                              energy. Formulations of low-energy density should not be considered adequate for
                              growth or reproductive needs based on comparison to the Profiles alone.
                            b   Recommended concentrations for maintenance of body weight at an average caloric
                              intake for cats of a given optimal weight.
                            c   Although a  true requirement for crude  fat per se has  not been established, the
                              minimum  concentration  was based on recognition of crude fat as a source of
                              essential fatty acids, as a carrier of fat-soluble vitamins, to enhance palatability, and
                              to supply an adequate caloric density.
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