Page 173 - Raw Diet References Book 2019
P. 173

Proposed Revisions Edited per Comments for 2014 Official Publication    6

                               Phenylalanine               g        2.08          1.13
                              Phenylalanine-tyrosine       g        3.25          1.85
                              Threonine                    g        2.60          1.20
                              Tryptophan                   g        0.50          0.40
                              Valine                       g        1.70          1.23

                            Crude Fat                      g        21.3          13.8
                              Linoleic acid                g         3.3          2.8
                               alpha-Linolenic             g         0.2          ND
                               Eicosapentaenoic +
                              Docosahexaenoic acid         g         0.1          ND
                              Docosahexaenoic) acid Ratio                                     30:1

                              Calcium                      g         3.0          1.25        4.5
                              Phosphorus                   g         2.5          1.00        4.0
                               Ca:P Ratio                            1:1          1:1         2:1
                              Potassium                    g         1.5          1.5
                              Sodium                       g        0.80          0.20
                              Chloride                     g        1.10          0.30
                              Magnesium                    g        0.10          0.15
                              Iron                        mg         22           10
                              Copper                      mg         3.1          1.83
                              Manganese                   mg         1.8          1.25
                              Zinc                        mg         25           20
                              Iodine                      mg        0.25          0.25        2.75
                              Selenium                    mg        0.09          0.08        0.5

                            Vitamins & Others
                              Vitamin A                   IU        1250         1250        62500
                              Vitamin D                   IU        125           125         750
                              Vitamin E                   IU        12.5          12.5
                              Thiamine                    mg        0.56          0.56
                              Riboflavin                  mg         1.3          1.3
                              Pantothenic acid            mg         3.0          3.0
                              Niacin                      mg         3.4          3.4
                              Pyridoxine                  mg        0.38          0.38
                              Folic acid                  mg        0.054        0.054
                              Vitamin B 12                mg        0.007        0.007
                              Choline                     mg        340           340
                               Recommended concentrations for maintenance of body weight at an average caloric
                              intake for dogs of a given optimum weight.
                               Although a  true requirement for crude  fat per se has  not been established, the
                              minimum concentration  was based on recognition of crude fat as a source of
                              essential fatty acids, as a carrier of fat-soluble vitamins, to enhance palatability, and
                              to supply an adequate caloric density.
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