Page 179 - Raw Diet References Book 2019
P. 179

Proposed Revisions Edited per Comments for 2014 Official Publication    12

                            elected to delete the previous  maximum concentration of  1000 mg/kg DM that  was
                            based on the maximum tolerance concentration recommended for swine rations.  The
                            CNES  noted that the  swine tolerance of 1000  mg/kg DM  was the  greatest
                            concentration for any tolerance for zinc listed in the 2005  Mineral  Tolerance of
                                The 2006 NRC RA for iodine in dog foods is 0.88 mg/kg DM.  The FEDIAF
                            Guideline concentrations range from 0.9 to 1.5 mg/kg DM.  In considering the basis for
                            these various recommended concentrations the 2007 CNES felt a recommended
                            minimum concentration of 1.0 mg/kg to be prudent and adequate to support adult
                            maintenance as well as growth and reproduction.
                                The 2007 CNES revised the  maximum concentration  for iodine based on the
                            following considerations.  Although neither the 2005 Mineral Tolerances for Animals
                            nor the 2006 Nutrient Requirements of Dogs and Cats established a tolerance or SUL
                            for iodine in diets  for dogs, both publications cite data  that indicate  a commercial
                            formulation containing 5.6 mg  iodine/kg diet  had adverse effects on thyroid
                            function. 16,17   FEDIAF also notes these studies, but faulted the studies for using a diet
                            deficient in calcium, phosphorus and potassium, and fed in excessive quantities.  The
                            2008 FEDIAF Guidelines indicate a maximum concentration for iodine of 11 mg/kg
                            DM when other minerals are within acceptable concentrations and the products are fed
                            in appropriate quantities.  The tolerances for iodine in the 2005 Mineral Tolerances of
                            Animals that have been established for various species range from 5 mg/kg DM in diets
                            for horses to 400 mg/kg DM in diets for swine.  Given that the NRC tolerance for
                            horses is 10 times less than the general maximum concentration of 50 mg iodine/kg
                            DM recommended by AAFCO, the 2007 CNES felt the value of 50 mg/kg DM to no
                            longer be appropriate for setting a  maximum concentration for iodine in dog foods.
                            The 2007 CNES acknowledges that additional studies may allow further refinement of
                            a maximum amount of iodine in foods for dogs, but until such data are available the
                            CNES felt it prudent to adopt the FEDIAF position and set 11 mg iodine per kg DM as
                            the maximum concentration of iodine in dog foods.
                                The recommended  minimum concentration of selenium  was increased to 0.35
                            mg/kg  DM in  Adult Maintenance and  Growth and  Reproduction Nutrient Profiles
                            consistent  with the 2006 NRC RA  for selenium.   The 2007 CNES notes there is a
                            difference between added selenium and total selenium content.  The approval of food
                            additives for addition of selenium to animal feeds limits the total amount of selenium
                            that may be added to feed to 0.3 mg/kg from all approved sources on an as-fed basis
                            (90% DM feeds), roughly equivalent to 0.333 mg/kg on a DM basis.   The
                            recommended minimum concentration of 0.35 mg selenium/kg DM in dog foods is the
                            sum of selenium from all ingredients in the product, both approved food additives used
                            specifically to add selenium to the product, as  well as selenium contained as a
                            constituent of other ingredients.  As there is generally more than 0.05 mg selenium/kg
                            DM in ingredients used to supply protein and fat to typical pet food formulations, the
                            2007 CNES believes the limitation of 0.3  mg selenium/kg DM from approved
                            selenium  additives will not hinder  a manufacturer’s  ability  to meet the minimum
                            recommended concentration of 0.35 mg selenium/kg DM.
                                Both the 2006 NRC and the 2005 Mineral Tolerance of Animals state no data are
                            available upon which to establish a SUL or tolerance for selenium in diets for dogs.
                            Both NRC publications cite the fifth edition of Trace Elements in Human and Animal
                            Nutrition  published in 1986  for information indicating  a dietary  concentration of 5
                            mg/kg DM resulted in toxicity in dogs.   The 2007 CNES acknowledges the NRC has
                            indicated in the years since the publication of the first edition of Mineral Tolerance of
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