Page 143 - Raw Diet References Book 2019
P. 143

7.2.2 Toxic agent

              The principle toxic components of chocolate and   life is much shorter (4.5 hours) (Farbman 2001, Hooser
            cocoa products are the methylxanthine alkaloids,   & Beasley 1986).
            of which theobromine is the major toxin (Campbell
            2001). As long ago as 1917, cacao bean shell        The LD50 of theobromine has been reported to be
            intoxication in horses was attributed to theobromine   between 250mg and 500mg per kg body weight (BW);
            by French researchers. Theobromine is particularly   lethal cases have been seen when dogs ingested
            toxic to dogs, because its elimination is very slow   amounts of chocolate that reflect an estimated
            compared with the rate in other species such as   theobromine intake of 90-115mg/kg BW (Glauberg
            man  (Hooser  1984, Glauberg  1983).  The  half  life  of   1983, Hooser & Beasley 1986, Carson TL 2001).
            theobromine in dogs is about 17.5 hours (Farbman
            2001, Hooser & Beasley 1986). Theobromine           The level of theobromine content of chocolate varies,
            undergoes enterohepatic recirculation resulting in an   with dark chocolate containing the highest level (Table
            accumulative effect (Campbell 2001, Farbman 2001).   1). Unsweetened baking chocolate should definitely
            As a consequence, repeated intakes of smaller (non-  be kept out of reach of dogs, since it contains up to
            toxic) quantities may still cause intoxication. The slow   20mg of theobromine per gram. Dogs also voluntarily
            elimination of theobromine is also responsible for   eat cocoa powder, in which the average theobromine
            decreased survival rate in affected dogs and death   level varies from 10 to 30mg/g (Sutton ‘81). About four
            may still occur at a stage when clinical signs are   grams of cocoa powder per kg BW may be sufficient to
            already attenuating (Strachan & Bennett 1994).    kill a dog (Faliu 1991). Increasingly cocoa shell mulches
                                                              are used to prevent weeds and for landscaping in
              Caffeine is another methylxanthine present in   gardens. They are often attractive to dogs because of
            cocoa products, and may contribute to the toxicity.   the chocolate smell and therefore may be a potential
            However, the levels of caffeine in cocoa products are   cause of theobromine poisoning (Hansen et al. 2003).
            much lower than those of theobromine and the half

            Table VII-15. Theobromine content of different types of chocolate and
            cocoa products (mg/g)

              White chocolate                    0.009 - 0.035  Cocoa powder                       4.5 - 30

              Milk chocolate                      1.5 - 2.0   Cocoa beans                          10 - 53

              Sweet to semisweet dark chocolate   3.6 - 8.4   Cocoa shell mulches                  2 - 30

              Bitter chocolate, chocolate liquor,
              baking chocolate                    12 - 19.6   Coffee beans                           -

            Farbman DB 2001, Gwaltney-Brant S. 2001, Hansen et al. 2003, Shively et al. 1984, Carson 2001.

            7.2.3 Clinical signs

              In dogs methylxanthines cause stimulation of the   beating), respiratory stress and hyperactivity (Campbell
            central nervous system with tachycardia (fast heart   2001, Farbman 2001). The clinical signs include

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