Page 146 - Raw Diet References Book 2019
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7.3.3 Toxic agent

              Several  organo-sulfoxides  have  been  implicated   a compound found in garlic, is similar to n-propyl
            in toxicity induced by onions and garlic (Table 2).   disulfide found in onions (Gfeller & Messonier 1998).
            Miyata reported the extraction from onions of an   These organosulfur compounds are readily absorbed
            unnamed phenolic compound causing similar effects   in the gastrointestinal tract and metabolised to highly
            on red blood cells “in vitro” (Miyata 1990). Allicin,   reactive oxidants (Cope 2005).

            Table VII-16.
            Compounds isolated from onions and garlic and reported to oxidise

            canine erythrocytes

              Onions                                          Garlic

              n-propyl disulfide                              sodium 2-propenyl thiosulfate

              n-propyl                                        bis-2-propenyl trisulfide

              3 different sodium alk(en)yl thiosulfates       bis-2-propenyl tetrasulfide

              e.g. sodium n-propyl thiosulfate                bis-2-propenyl pentasulfide

              trans-1-propenyl thiosulfate                    bis-2-propenyl thiosulfonate

              cis-1-propenyl thiosulfate                      several sulphur containing esters

            Chang et al. ‘04, Fenwick 1984, Hu et al. 2002, Yamato et al. 1998, Yamato et al. 2003.

            7.3.4 Treatment

              No  specific antidote exists,  and the treatment  is   hour after ingestion of onions if the patient does not
            supportive and is intended to reduce the oxidative   yet show clinical signs (Gfeller & Messonier 1998). Anti-
            effects and  to prevent renal damage  caused by   oxidant vitamins such as vitamins E and C may have
            haemoglobinuria. Oxygen therapy, fluid therapy    subclinical beneficial effects that help in milder cases,
            (particularly crystalloids) and blood transfusion   but a study in cats did not show a significant effect on
            have been recommended (Gfeller & Messonier 1998).   the formation of Heinz bodies (Hill et al. 2001).
            Induction of vomiting can be useful within the first

            7.3.5 References

            1.   Chang HS, Yamato O, Sakai Y, et al. (2004) Acceleration of   Prostaglandins Leukot Essnt Fatty Acids, 70 (1): 77-83.
                superoxide generation in polymorphonuclear leukocytes and
                inhibition of platelet aggregation by alk(en)yl thiosulfates   2.   Cope, R.B. (2005) Allium species poisoning in dogs and cats.
                derived from onion and garlic in dogs and humans.   Toxicology brief Veterinary Medicine pp. 562-566.

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