Page 142 - Raw Diet References Book 2019
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seedless and seeded varieties (Eubig et al. 2005).   dog became ill after only eating 10 to 12 grapes (Eubig
            Grape extract is not considered a threat; the grape   et al. 2005). The severity of the illness does not seem
            or raisin itself has to be eaten for poisoning to occur   to be dose-related (Eubig et al. 2005). Even a large dog
            (McKnight, 2005).                                 of 40kg may need to eat only 120g to be at risk and as
                                                              cartons of raisins typically contain 500g this amount
              The lowest intake that has so far been reported   could be ingested in one session. At present it appears
            to cause poisoning is around 2.8g of raisins per kg   that only dogs are affected – the susceptibility of other
            bodyweight (BW) and 19.6g of grapes per kg BW; one   species is unknown.

            7.1.4 Treatment

              Immediate treatment consists of inducing emesis   survival, and should be maintained long enough (at
            and lavage of the stomach to remove the poison,   least 48 hours). Haemodialysis and diuretics such as
            followed by decontamination using activated charcoal   furosemide have been recommended to treat the
            to  inactivate  the  remaining  poison.  Aggressive   ARF and oliguria (McKnight, 2005), but do not seem
            fluid therapy is essential to increase the chances of   to increase survival substantially (Eubig et al. 2005).

            7.1.5 References

            1.   AFIP. (2003) Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Department of   4.   Gwaltney-Brant, S.M., Holding, J.K., Donaldson, C.W., et al. (2001)
                Veterinary Pathology, Conference 7, 29 October.  Renal failure associated with ingestion of grapes or raisins in
                                                                 dogs. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association
            2.   ASPCA. (2004) Raisins and grapes can be toxic to dogs. ASPCA   218 (10), 1555-1556.
                Animal Poison Control Centre Issues Nationwide Update, 6 July.
                                                              5.   McKnight, K. (2005). Grape and raisin toxicity in dogs. Veterinary
            3.   Eubig, P.A., Brady, M.S., Gwaltney-Brant S.M., et al. (2005) Acute   Technician, February issue, 135-136.
                renal failure in dogs after the ingestion of grapes or raisins:
                A retrospective evaluation of 43 dogs (1992-2002). Journal of   6.   Penny, D., Henderson, S.M., Brown, P.J. (2003) Raisin poisoning in
                Veterinary Internal Medicine 19, 663-674.        a dog. Veterinary Record 152 (10), 308.

            7.2 Chocolate toxicity

            7.2.1 Background

              Cocoa poisoning was highlighted during the Second   containing human  foods are best  avoided. It  is  not
            World War, when pigs, calves, dogs and horses were   surprising that most accidents are reported during
            poisoned because by-products of cacao beans were   holiday periods such as Christmas and Easter (Campbell
            used to supplement feeds as a result of a surplus.  2001). Chocolate treats specially developed for dogs are
                                                              not toxic as they are made from ingredients that contain
              Chocolate is palatable to most dogs, but it is not an   low or no theobromine.
            innocent snack being relatively toxic. In dogs signs of
            toxicity may develop within hours after consumption.  No reports of chocolate poisoning in cats have been
                                                              published to our knowledge, probably as a consequence
              In addition, chocolate cakes and other cocoa    of their different eating habits.

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