Page 144 - Raw Diet References Book 2019
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vomiting, diarrhoea, agitation, muscular tremors   1972, Drolet et al. 1984).
            and weakness, cardiac arrhythmias, convulsions,
            and, in severe cases, renal damage, coma and death   At necropsy, congestion in liver, kidneys, pancreas
            (Glauberg 1983, Decker 1972, Nicholson 1995, Farbman   and the gastro-intestinal tract are seen, as well as
            2001, Hooser & Beasley 1986). Death may occur within   unclotted haemorrhagic fluid in peritoneal and
            six to 15 hours after intake of excessive amounts of   thoracic cavities (Sutton ’81, Strachan & Bennett 1994).
            chocolate or cocoa products (Glauberg 1983, Decker

            7.2.4 Treatment

              No specific antidote is available for theobromine,   liquid. Repeated doses of activated charcoal can then be
            only symptomatic treatment. In order to minimise the   used to bind the remaining material and prevent further
            absorption of theobromine vomiting can be induced   absorption and increase excretion (Glauberg 1983,
            immediately after ingestion. Subsequently lavage can   Hooser & Beasley 1986, Farbman 2001, Carson 2001).
            be applied with warm water to keep the chocolate

            7.2.5 References

            1.   Benzel HA (1996) Chocolate poisoning in dogs. Veterinary   10.  Hansen S, Trammel H, Dunayer E, et al. (2003) Cocoa bean mulch
                Technician 135 & 184.                            as a cause of methylxanthine toxicosis in dogs. NACCT - Poster.

            2.   Campbell A. (2001) Chocolate intoxication in dogs. UK Vet, 6   11.  Hooser SB, Beasley VR. (1986) Methylxanthine poisoning
                (6): 40-42.                                      (chocolate and caffeine toxicosis). In: Current Veterinary
                                                                 Therapy IX Small Animal Practice ed. RW Kirk, WB Saunders
            3.   Carson TL, (2001) Methylxanthines. In: Small Animal   Company pp.191-192.
                Toxicology. Peterson ME, Talcott PA, edits. WB Saunders
                Company, Philadelphia, PA. pp. 563-570.       12.  Hoskam EG, Haagsma J. (1974) Chocoladevergiftiging bij twee
                                                                 dashonden  (Teckels)  met  dodelijke  afloop.  Tijdschrift  voor
            4.   Decker RA, Myers GH. (1972) Theobromine Poisoning in a Dog.   Diergeneeskunde 99 (10), 523- 525.
                JAVMA, 161 (2), 198-199.
                                                              13.  Humphreys DJ, Clarck ML. (1991) In: Canine Medicine and
            5.   Drolet R, Arendt TD, Stowe CM. (1984) Cacao bean shell   Therapeutics 3rd edit Chandler; Thompson, Sutton Oxford
                poisoning in a dog. JAVMA, 185 (8): 902.         Blackwell Scientific Publications. pp: 723-738.

            6.   Faliu L. (1991) Les intoxications du chien par les plantes et   14.  Nicholson SS. (1995) Toxicology. In: Textbook of Veterinary
                produits d’origine végétale. Pratique médicale et chirurgicale   Internal Medicine 3rd edit. S.J. Ettinger, E.C. Feldman, W.B.
                de l’animal de compagnie, 26 (6), 549-562.       Saunders Company, pp. 312 – 326.

            7.   Farbman DB. (2001) Death by chocolate? Methylxanthine   15.  Shively CA, Tarka SM (1984) Methylxanthine composition and
                toxicosis. Veterinary Technician 145-147.        consumption patterns of cocoa and chocolate products. Prog
                                                                 Clin Biol Res. 158: 149-178.
            8.  Glauberg A, Blumenthal HP. (1983) Chocolate Poisoning in the
                Dog. JAAHA, 19 (3/4), 246-248.                16.  Strachan ER, Bennett A. (1994) Theobromine poisoning in
                                                                 dogs Vet Rec. 284 (letter).
            9.   Gwaltney-Brant S. (2001) Chocolate intoxication. Toxicology
                Brief - Veterinary Medicine Publishing Group.  17.  Sutton RH. (1981) Cocoa poisoning in a dog. Vet. Rec. 109, 563-564.

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