Page 148 - Raw Diet References Book 2019
P. 148


            1.  Product families are considered within a         stage, a specific life style or a specific animal size.
                                                              6.  The  product  family  members  must  meet
            2.  Product families are defined by animal species   the metabolizable energy (ME) density (as it
                (dogs/cats).                                     is described in the specific chapter of these
                                                                 Guidelines) of the lead product members and be
            3.  All products within a family must be of the same   formulated on an ME basis to :
                processing type (extruded, baked, pelleted,
                canned, fermented, etc.) and within the same    •  meet the nutrient levels of the lead family
                moisture content category (dry, semi-moist and    product for key nutrients, and
                                                                •  not exceed the maximum levels of any nutrient or
            4.  A product family refers to complete or            nutrient ratio established in the fediaf Nutritional
                complementary foods.                              Guideline or by law.

            5.  A product family has to refer to a specific life

              N.B.  When  analyses  are  performed,  the  same   belonging to the product family.
            analytical methods must be used for all products

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