Page 138 - Raw Diet References Book 2019
P. 138

6.2.2 Food allergy

              Allergy Immune-mediated reaction resulting in   foods, insect stings, and medication are the most
            one or more of the clinical signs described under 6.4.   common causes (Tang 2003, Oswalt et al. 2007, Wang
            Adverse reactions to food in cats and dogs.       et  al.  2007).  The  term  has  been  variably  employed
                                                              to denote a defined IgE-mediated antigen-induced
              Anaphylaxis Anaphylaxis is an acute life-       reaction or as a descriptive term delineating a severe,
            threatening multi-system allergic reaction resulting   abrupt,  untoward  event  of  unstated  immunologic
            from  exposure  to  an  offending  agent.  In  people,   significance (Wasserman 1983).

            6.2.3 Non-allergic food hypersensitivity

              Food idiosyncrasy A non-immune mediated           Metabolic reaction Food intolerance. An adverse
            reaction to a food component that causes clinical   reaction caused by a metabolic defect (e.g. lactose
            signs resembling an immune-mediated reaction to   intolerance).
            food (food allergy).

            6.2.4 All individuals susceptible if sufficient quantity eaten

              Toxic reaction Reaction to a toxic food component   producing a drug-like or pharmacological effect in
            (e.g. onions).                                    the host such as methylxanthines in chocolate or
                                                              pseudo-allergic reactions caused by high histamine
              Microbiological reaction Reaction to a toxin    levels in not well-preserved scromboid fish (tuna or
            released   by   contaminating  organisms   (e.g.  salmon).
                                                                Dietary indiscretion  Adverse  reaction  resulting
              Pharmacologic reaction Adverse reaction to a    from such behaviour as gluttony, pica or ingestion of
            food as result of a naturally derived or added chemical   various indigestible materials or garbage.

            6.3 Food allergy in humans

              Food allergies are the single most common       common allergens causing anaphylaxis in people
            cause of generalised anaphylaxis seen in hospital   are nuts, shellfish, milk, egg white, legumes, certain
            emergency departments, accounting for about one   fruits, grains, chocolate, and fish (Wasserman 1983).
            third of cases seen (twice the number of cases seen
            for bee stings) (Sampson 1999). It is estimated that   As far as we are aware of, cases of allergies in
            about 100 fatal cases of food-induced anaphylaxis   humans related to ingestion or contact with pet foods
            occur in the US each year (Sampson 1999). The most   are not reported in the literature.

            6.4 Adverse reactions to food in cats and dogs

              The predominant clinical sign in dogs and cats   sometimes being restricted to recurrent otitis.
            (almost  100% of the cases) is pruritus (itching)   Other dermatological changes such as seborrhoea,
            (Rosser 1990, White 1986, White 1989, Scott et al.   recurrent pyoderma or Malassezia can be seen in
            2001). The pruritus can be generalised or localised,   allergic dogs (White 1986, Scott et al. 2001). In allergic

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