Page 137 - Raw Diet References Book 2019
P. 137


            6.1 Introduction

              Adverse food reactions in cats and dogs are mainly   of people who are allergic to nuts and some other foods
            expressed by pruritus and gastrointestinal signs. Acute   have not been reported in relation to pet food.
            anaphylactic reactions such as those seen in a minority

            6.2 Definitions

            6.2.1 Adverse reactions to food

              An adverse reaction to a food is an abnormal or   (called food allergy or hypersensitivity) or not immune
            exaggerated clinical response to the ingestion of a   mediated (called food intolerance) (Reedy et al. 1997).
            food or food additive. It may be immune mediated

            Figure VII-1. Classification of adverse reactions to food

                                                  Adverse reaction to food

                               May occur in all                              Occurs only in some
                              individuals who eat                           susceptible individuals
                              a sufficient quantity
                                 of the food

               Toxic       Microbiological    Pharmacological                  hypersensitivity

                                                 Non-allergic                       Food allergy
                                              food hypersensitivity

                Aversion, avoidance and   Unknown          Metabolic       IgE-mediated      Non IgE-mediated
               psychological intolerance  mechanism       abnormality      food allergy        food allergy

                                                                               Source: ILSI Monograph Food Allergy 2003

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