Page 110 - Raw Diet References Book 2019
P. 110

scoring system has been developed for evaluating   Michel et al. 2011) (Table 3).
            muscle mass in critically ill patients (Baez et al. 2007;

            1.4 Conclusion

              The combination of BW and the 9-point BCS is a    As for other physical examination techniques, there
            good basis for determining energy requirements and   is a need to gain experience with the technique in
            is a useful tool in helping owners, who often fail to   order to optimize the accuracy of the body condition
            recognize that  their  animal is  overweight or obese   scoring (Burkholder 2000; German et al. 2006). One
            (Mason 1970). NRC 2006 refers to the 9-point BCS as   study showed that also owners can gain experience
            a reference on which the MER for adult cats is based   with a BCS system with sufficient accuracy (German
            (NRC 2006) and the World Small Animal Veterinary   et al. 2006)
            Association (WSAVA) included the system  in their
            global nutritional guidelines (

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