Page 91 - Raw Diet References Book 2019
P. 91

3.2  Substantiation of nutrient recommendations for cats


            Total protein

              Amino acids (Adult cats) FEDIAF protein levels are   a  NRC Chapter 15. Nutrient Requirements and Dietary Nutrient
            based  on  NRC  (2006)  recommendations ,  but  have   Concentrations. In: Nutrient Requirements of Dogs and Cats.
            been adjusted to take into account i) an apparent crude   The National Academic Press, Washington, DC. 2006: pp. 366-
            protein digestibility of 80% and ii) energy intakes for cats.  367, table 15-11.

              Glutamate (Kittens) The level of glutamate should   a  Deady JE, Anderson B, O’Donnell III JA, et al. Effects of level of
            not exceed 6 per cent dry matter in foods for kittens. a, b  dietary glutamic acid and thiamine on food intake, weight gain,
                                                                plasma amino acids and thiamin status of growing kittens. J.
                                                                Nutr. 1981; 111: 1568-1579.
                                                               b  Deady JE, Rogers QR, Morris JG. Effect of high dietary glutamic
                                                                acid on the excretion of 35S-thiamin in kittens. J. Nutr. 1981; 111:

              Arginine (All life stages) The arginine requirement   a  NRC Chapter 15. Nutrient Requirements and Dietary Nutrient
            increases with increased protein content owing to its   Concentrations. In: Nutrient Requirements of Dogs  and Cats.
            role as an intermediate in the urea cycle. For every   The National Academic Press, Washington, DC. 2006: pp. 357-
            gram  of  crude  protein  above  the  stated  values,  an   363 tables 15-10, 15-12 and 15-14.
            additional 0.02g of arginine is required. a

              Arginine (Kittens) Taylor (1995) found that 45g/  a  Taylor TP. MS thesis Univ California, Davis, CA USA. 1995
            kg diet (470kcal/100g) was associated with a small
            decrease in growth rate. NRC therefore sets a prudent
            maximum of 3.5g/100g DM (400kcal/100g). a


              Methionine-cystine (Adult cats) The recommended   a  Burger IH, Smith P. Aminosäurenbedarf erwachsener Katzen.
            values  are  based  on  a  study  by  Burger  and  Smith  a   In: Ernährung, Fehlernährung, und Diätetik bei Hund und Katze
            showing that adult cats need 0.16g methionine (without   –  Proceedings  of  the  International  Symposium  Hannover  (DE),
            cystine) per MJ ME to maintain a positive N-balance. After   September 3-4, 1987: pp. 93-97.
            adding a safety margin of 20% this corresponds to 0.34%
            DM or 0.85g per 1000kcal ME methionine + cystine.

              Cystine Sulphur amino acid requirements of cats   a  Blaza SE, Burger IH, Holme DW, Kendall PT. Sulfur-containing amino
            (Teeter et al., 1978) and dogs (Blaza et al., 1982) have   acid requirements of growing dogs. J Nutr. 1982 Nov; 112(11): 2033-42.
            been determined through studies using methionine and   b  Teeter RG, Baker DH, Corbin JE. Methionine and cystine
            cystine. Cystine is a dimer of cysteine, during analysis,   requirements of the cat. J Nutr. 1978 Feb; 108(2): 291-5.
            cystine and cysteine are both determined as cysteic acid
            in hydrolysates of oxidised sample, but calculated as
            cystine. a, b

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