Page 58 - Raw Diet References Book 2019
P. 58

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                                                        FOOD CHOICES
                        Cats don’t drink as much water as
                                                        Commercial cat foods come in a variety of forms.
                        dogs do, perhaps because of their  The most common types are  dry, semimoist,
                        evolution as desert animals.    and canned. The moisture content of these foods
                                                        ranges from 6 to 10% for dry, 15 to 30% for semi-
                                                        moist, and 75% for canned. Most canned food
                                                        has relatively more fat and protein and fewer car-
                                   bohydrates than dry and semi-moist food, and generally contains much
                                       higher levels of animal products.

                                              Pet food labels must list the percentage of protein, fat, fiber,
                                                 and water in the food. When reading labels, it is important
                                                   to remember that what may appear to be a big differ-
                                                     ence in the amount of a nutrient—for example, 8%
                                                       protein in a canned cat food vs. 27% protein in a
                                                         dry cat food—reflects the fact that there is more
                                                          water in the canned food.

                                                              PET FOOD ADDITIVES

                                                              Some other substances that might be found
                                                              in pet foods, which are not required nutrients,
                                                              are described below:

                                                              Chondroprotective agents are used by the
                                                             body to make cartilage and joint tissues.
                                                             Although chondroprotective agents may be
                                                            indicated for selected clinical conditions, wide-
                                                           spread inclusion in the diets of healthy popula-
                                                          tions may not be warranted at this time.

                                                       Antioxidants work to prevent oxidative damage to
                                                      nutrients and other compounds in the body and inhibit or
                                                    quench the formation of free radicals. At this time, data are
                                                  lacking to make specific recommendations beyond those for
                                               the essential vitamins and minerals that are components of

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