Page 62 - Raw Diet References Book 2019
P. 62


            I.   Glossary                                     V.   Analytical methods
                 1. Definitions..........................................................05  1. Non-exhaustive list of
                                                                     analytical methods ..........................................38
            II.   Introduction
                 1. Objectives ..........................................................09  VI.  Feeding test protocols
                 2. Scope ..................................................................09  1. Indicator method .............................................41
                                                                     1.1 Introduction
            III.  Complete pet food                                  1.2. Protocol
                 1. Guidance ............................................................11  1.2.1 Animals
                   1.1 Minimum recommended nutrient                  1.2.2 Feeding procedures
                          levels in cat and dog foods                1.2.3 Food
                   1.2 Energy contents of pet foods                  1.2.4 Food allowances
                   1.3 Maximum levels of certain substances          1.2.5 Times of feeding
                          in pet food for cats and dogs              1.2.6 Pre-trial termination
                   1.4 Product validation                            1.2.7 Collection
                   1.5 Repeat analyses                               1.2.8 Sample preparation
                   1.6 Directions for use/                           1.2.9 Analytical determination
                          feeding instructions                       1.2.10 Calculation of digestible
                                                                         energy and digestible nutrients
                 2. Tables with nutrient                             1.2.11 Calculation of metabolizable energy
                   recommendations ...........................................14   2. Quantitative collection method ....................44
                   2.1   How to read the tables                      2.1 Introduction
                   2.2   Recommended nutrient levels                 2.2. Protocol
                               for dogs                              2.2.1 Animals
                   2.3   Recommended nutrient                        2.2.2 Feeding procedures
                       levels for cats                               2.2.3 Food
                                                                     2.2.4 Food allowances
                 3. Substantiation of nutrient                       2.2.5 Times of feeding
                   recommendations’ tables ..............................22  2.2.6 Pre-trial termination
                   3.1   Substantiation of nutrient                  2.2.7 Feaces collection
                       recommendations for dogs                      2.2.8 Sample preparation
                   3.2   Substantiation of nutrient                  2.2.9 Analytical determination
                       recommendations for cats                      2.2.10 Calculation of digestible energy and    ..
                                                                         digestible nutrients
            IV.  Complementary pet food                              2.2.11 Calculation of metabolizable energy
                 1. Recommended allowances ...........................37  3. References .........................................................48
                 2. Validation procedure .......................................37
                 3. Repeat analyses ...............................................37

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