Page 53 - Raw Diet References Book 2019
P. 53

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                             Functions               Recommended    Signs of Deficiency/Excess

                  Vitamin A  Vision; growth; immune function;  63 µg  Conjunctivitis; cataracts, retinal degeneration and
                             fetal development; cellular            other eye problems; weight loss; muscle weakness;
                             differentiation                        reproductive and developmental disorders
                                                                    Skeletal lesions in kittens, particularly outgrowths
                                                                    of the cervical vertebrae; osteoporosis

                  Vitamin D  Maintenance of mineral status;  0.4 µg  Rickets; abnormalities in skeletal development;
                             skeletal structure; phosphorous        progressive paralysis; ataxia; lack of grooming;
                             balance                                reduction in body weight and food intake
                                                                    Anorexia; vomiting; lethargy; calcification of
                                                                    soft tissues

                  Vitamin E  Defense against oxidative    2.5 mg    Anorexia; depression; pain sensitivity
                             damage                                 in abdomen; fat tissue pathology

                  Vitamin K  Activation of clotting factors,  82 µg  Prolonged blood clotting times; hemorrhaging
                             bone proteins, and other proteins

                  Vitamin B 1  Energy and carbohydrate   0.33 mg    Neurological impairments including altered
                  (thiamin)  metabolism                             reflexes and convulsive seizures; heart-rate
                                                                    disorders; pathological changes in the central
                                                                    nervous system; severe learning deficits

                  Riboflavin  Enzyme functions           0.27 mg    Cataracts; fatty livers; testicular atrophy

                  Vitamin B 6  Glucose generation; red blood   0.16 mg  Stunted growth; convulsive seizures;
                             cell function; niacin synthesis;       kidney lesions
                             nervous system function; immune
                             response; hormone regulation;
                             gene activation

                  Niacin     Enzyme functions             2.5 mg    Anorexia; weight loss; elevated body temperature;
                                                                    fiery red tongue, with ulceration and congestion

                  Pantothenic  Energy metabolism          0.4 mg    Stunted growth; fatty changes in liver;
                  Acid                                              small bowel lesions

                  Vitamin B 12  Enzyme functions          1.4 µg    Weight loss; vomiting; diarrhea; intestinal disorders

                  Folic Acid  Amino acid and nucleotide   47 µg     Decreased growth rate; increased iron
                             metabolism; mitochondrial              levels in blood
                             protein synthesis

                 *Daily needs for an adult cat weighing 9 pounds, consuming 250 Calories per day.
                 mg = milligram         µg = microgram

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