Page 55 - Raw Diet References Book 2019
P. 55

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                   Magnesium     Enzyme functions; mus-              Poor growth; overextension of the carpal
                                 cle and nerve-cell mem-             joints; muscle twitching; convulsions
                                 brane stability; hormone  25 mg     Urinary tract stone formation in the
                                 secretion and function;             presence of high pH
                                 mineral structure of
                                 bones and teeth
                   Sodium        Acid-base balance; reg-             Anorexia; impaired  growth; excessive
                                                          42 mg
                                 ulation of osmotic pres-            thirst and drinking; excessive urination
                                 sure; nerve impulse gen-
                                 eration and transmission

                   Potassium     Acid-base balance;                  Anorexia; retarded growth; neurological
                                 nerve-impulse transmis-             disorders, including ataxia and severe
                                                          0.33 g
                                 sion; enzymatic reac-               muscle weakness
                                 tions; transport functions
                   Chlorine      Acid-base balance;                  Increased sodium concentration in renal
                                 osmolarity of                       fluid; excess potassium excretion
                                                          60 mg
                                 extracellular fluids
                   Iron          Hemoglobin and myoglo-              Poor growth; pale mucous membranes;
                                 bin synthesis; energy               lethargy; weakness; diarrhea
                                 metabolism               5 mg       Vomiting and diarrhea

                   Copper        Connective tissue forma-            Reduced weight gain; longer time
                                 tion; iron metabolism;              to conceive
                                 blood cell formation;
                                 melanin pigment forma-   0.3 mg
                                 tion; myelin formation;
                                 defense against oxida-
                                 tive damage

                   Zinc          Enzyme reactions; cell              Skin lesions; growth retardation;
                                 replication; protein and  4.6 mg    testicular atrophy
                                 carbohydrate metabo-
                                 lism; skin function;
                                 wound healing
                   Manganese     Enzyme functions; bone              No studies of deficiency in cats
                                 development; neurologi-  0.3 mg
                                 cal function

                   Selenium      Defense against oxida-              No studies of deficiency in cats
                                 tive damage; immune      19 µg
                   Iodine        Thyroid hormone synthe-             Enlargement of thyroid glands
                                 sis; cell differentiation;          Excessive tearing, salivation, and nasal
                                 growth and development   88 µg      discharge; dandruff
                                 of puppies; regulation of
                                 metabolic rate

                  *Daily needs for an adult cat weighing 9 pounds at maturity, consuming 250 Calories per day.

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