Page 56 - Raw Diet References Book 2019
P. 56

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                              FEEDING PRACTICES

                              Q:  Does my cat need to have meat and/or fish products in its diet?
                              A:  Domestic cats are descended from strict meat-eaters, and their behavior reveals
                              their carnivorous nature.  When hunting, domestic cats will seek small prey such
                              as mice, birds, and insects.  They may even kill and eat a rabbit.  They will stop eating
                              a meal of commercial cat food and go off hunting if distracted by potential prey.  The
                              particular chemistry and structure of the cat’s gastrointestinal system is well-suited
                              to digesting and absorbing nutrients from animal-based proteins and fats.
                              Unsupplemented vegetarian diets can result in harmful deficiencies of certain essen-
                              tial amino acids, fatty acids, and vitamins.

                              Q:  How much fiber is good for my cat?
                              A:  Fiber in the diet is probably good for overall gastrointestinal health and may help
                              overweight cats trim down.  Dietary fiber is thought to help maintain proper weight by
                              diluting the caloric density of the food and through physical effects and hormonal inter-
                              actions.  For reasons not yet understood, dietary fiber also seems to help in the man-
                              agement of mild hyperglycemia (high blood sugar), a relatively common problem
                              in older cats.

                              On the other hand, too much fiber in the diet can decrease the
                              digestibility of other important nutrients.  Also, certain features
                              of the cat’s intestinal tract, including a relatively small colon
                              and nonfunctional cecum, suggest that cats may not be
                              able to utilize dietary fibers as well as other animals.
                              Meals should not have more than 10% fiber.

                              Q:  How often should I feed and water my cat?
                              A:  If given free access to food, cats will eat
                              between 12 and 20 meals a day, evenly spread
                              out over the 24-hour light–dark cycle.  Cats
                              should be fed more than once a day.

                              Fresh water should be available at all times,
                              but the amount needed varies with the type of
                              diet and the environmental conditions.  Cats
                              don’t drink as much per kilogram of body
                              weight as do dogs, perhaps because of their
                              evolution as desert animals.  Cats will drink
                              approximately 2 milliliters of water for every
                              gram of dry food they eat.  Whereas dogs will
                              drink enough water to replace 6% of their body
                              weight in one hour, cats will take 24 hours to do the
                              same. The weak thirst drive of cats puts some cats
                              at higher risk of developing urinary tract stones.  While

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