Page 182 - Raw Diet References Book 2019
P. 182

Proposed Revisions Edited per Comments for 2014 Official Publication    15

                              ND – Not Determined.
                            e   If the  mean  urine pH of cats fed  ad  libitum  is not below 6.4, the risk of struvite
                              urolithiasis increases as the magnesium content of the diet increases.
                            f   Because of very poor bioavailability, iron from carbonate or oxide sources that are
                              added to the diet should  not be considered in determining  the minimum nutrient
                               Because of very poor bioavailability, copper from oxide sources that are added to the
                              diet should not be considered in determining the minimum nutrient concentration.
                               Add 10 IU Vitamin E above the minimum concentration for each gram of fish oil per
                              kilogram of diet.
                              Vitamin K does not need to be added unless the diet contains more than 25% fish on
                              a dry matter basis.
                              Because processing and specific ingredients may destroy up to 90% of the thiamine
                              in the  diet, allowances in  formulation should be  made to ensure the  minimum
                              nutrient concentration is met after processing.
                            k   Biotin does not need to be  added unless  the  diet contains antimicrobial or  anti-
                              vitamin compounds.

                                           AAFCO CAT FOOD NUTRIENT PROFILES
                                                BASED ON CALORIE CONTENT

                            Nutrients            Units per  Growth &      Adult          Maximum
                                                 1000      Reproduction   Maintenance
                                                 kcal ME   Minimum        Minimum
                            Crude Protein           g           75             65
                              Arginine              g          3.10           2.60
                              Histidine             g          0.83           0.78
                              Isoleucine            g          1.40           1.30
                              Leucine               g          3.20           3.10
                              Lysine                g          3.00           2.08
                              Methionine            g          1.55            0.5          3.75
                              Methionine-cystine    g          2.75           1.00
                              Phenylalanine         g          1.30           1.05
                              Phenylalanine-        g          4.80           3.83
                              Threonine             g          1.83           1.83
                              Tryptophan            g          0.63           0.40          4.25
                              Valine                g          1.55           1.55

                            Crude Fat               g          22.5           22.5
                              Linoleic acid         g          1.40           1.40
                               alpha-Linolenic acid   g        0.05           ND
                              Arachidonic acid      g          0.05           0.05
                               Eicosapentaenoic +
                              acid                  g          0.03           ND

                              Calcium               g           2.5            1.5
                              Phosphorus            g           2.0           1.25
                              Potassium             g           1.5            1.5
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