Page 185 - Raw Diet References Book 2019
P. 185

Proposed Revisions Edited per Comments for 2014 Official Publication    18

                            in both Cat Food Nutrient Profiles.  The recommended copper concentration in canned
                            products for growth and reproduction  was increased from 5.0 to 8.4  mg/kg DM to
                            match the 2006 NRC RA for gestation and lactation.
                                For iodine the 2007 FNES increased the recommended concentration in the
                            Growth and Reproduction  Nutrient Profile  to  match the 2006 NRC RA and  the
                            FEDIAF Guidelines.  The recommended concentration of iodine for adult maintenance
                            was increased  to  match the amount recommended in the  FEDIAF Guidelines rather
                            than the 2006 NRC RA in consideration of the findings of Wedekind et al.   The 2007
                            FNES also set a  maximum  for iodine content in cat  foods based on the  findings of
                            Wedekind et al.
                                The 2007 FNES increased the recommended concentrations  for selenium in the
                            Cat Food Nutrient Profiles from 0.1 to 0.3 mg/kg to match the recommendations of the
                            2006 NRC RA and the FEDIAF Guidelines.  The 2007 FNES  elected to  delete the
                            maximum recommended amount of zinc from the Cat Food Nutrient Profiles  noting
                            that the 2006 NRC indicated the safe upper limit of zinc for cats was > 600 mg/kg DM
                            for at least short periods of time and that the swine tolerance of 1000 mg/kg DM was
                            the  greatest concentration  for any tolerance  for zinc listed in the 2005  Mineral
                            Tolerance of Animals.  The FNES retained the recommended concentrations set by the
                            1990 FNES for all other minerals in the Cat Food Nutrient Profiles.

                            VITAMINS & OTHERS
                                The  2007  FNES decreased the recommended  minimum concentrations  for
                            vitamins A and D in the Cat Food Nutrient Profiles based on the 2006 NRC RA.  The
                            2007 FNES increased the  maximum concentration for vitamin D  in the  Cat Food
                            Nutrient Profiles based on the work of Sih et al. and the SUL in the 2006 NRC.
                                The 2007 FNES increased the recommended concentration of vitamin E to more
                            closely coincide  with  the recommendations of the 2006 NRC and the FEDIAF
                            Guidelines.  The recommended concentration of vitamin K in diets containing 25% or
                            more DM derived from fish was unchanged from previous values consistent with the
                            FEDIAF Guidelines.
                                Recommended concentrations of thiamine and pantothenic acid in the Cat Food
                            Nutrient Profiles  were increased to match the 2006 NRC RA.  The recommended
                            concentrations of the remaining water soluble vitamins and for taurine were unchanged
                            from the previous  values, several  being equal  to  or greater than the 2006 NRC RA
                            (riboflavin,  niacin, pyridoxine, folic acid and taurine)  with previous recommended
                            concentrations for biotin, vitamin B12 and choline being between the 2006 NRC AI
                            and RA.

                                1   National  Research Council. Nutrient Requirements of Dogs and Cats.
                            Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 2006.
                                2   National Research Council.  Mineral Tolerance of Animals  Second Revised
                            Edition, 2005. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 2005.
                                3   Federation  Europeenne de  l’Industrie  des Alimentis  pour Animaux Familiers
                            F.E.D.I.A.F. Nutritional Guidelines for Complete and Complementary Pet Food for
                            Cats and Dogs, 2008.
                                 National Research  Council. Nutrient Requirements of Dogs. Washington, DC:
                            National Academy Press, 1985.
                                 National Research Council.  Nutrient Requirements  of Cats.  Washington, DC:
                            National Academy Press, 1986.
                                 Czarnecki-Maulden, GL and ER Skoch. Is the tryptophan requirement valid for
                            growing dogs fed canned food?  FASEB J 15 (4): A266, 2001.
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