Page 187 - Raw Diet References Book 2019
P. 187

Proposed Revisions Edited per Comments for 2014 Official Publication    20

                                  Sih TR, Morris JG, Hickman A.  Chronic ingestion of high concentrations of
                            cholecalciferol in cats.  Am J Vet Res 62:1500-1506, 2001.

                            Correcting for Moisture Content

                                The values given in the Profiles are listed in terms of dry matter (DM).  However,
                            the values listed in the guaranteed analysis on dog and cat food labels are given on an
                            "as is" or "as fed" (AF) basis, and values reported from laboratories may be given on
                            either an  AF or DM basis. The difference between a  value reported on a DM basis
                            versus  an  AF basis is proportional to the  moisture (water) content of the food. The
                            greater the moisture content of a food, the greater the food’s DM values for nutrients
                            would be compared to  the corresponding  AF values. This discrepancy  makes direct
                            comparison between the  guaranteed analysis  values on a  food  label  and the  Profile
                            table values impossible without first correcting one or the other set of values so that
                            both are on an equal-moisture basis.
                                One method of correcting for moisture is the adjustment of the values listed in the
                            guaranteed analysis or reported from a laboratory on an AF basis to a DM basis before
                            comparing  with the Profile  values. This is done by dividing each  AF  value by the
                            proportion of DM in the food [(100 - % moisture)/100]. The examples shown below
                            use the guaranteed analysis values, but these adjustments are equally valid for actual
                            laboratory results reported on an AF basis.

                                       Example A1: A Dry Dog Food Making a Growth Claim
                                           Moisture-Adjusted Guaranteed Analysis Values

                                                          Dog Food
                                                           Nutrient    Moisture -     Moisture-
                                                           Profile      Adjusted      Adjusted
                                            Guaranteed    Minimum      Guaranteed    Guaranteed
                                             Analysis     Values for    Analysis     Analysis vs.
                               Nutrient       Values       Growth        Values     Profile Values
                            Crude Protein:   min. 21%       22.5%        23.3%           OK
                            Crude Fat:    min. 8%           8.5%          8.9%           OK
                            Crude Fiber:   max. 4%                        4.4%
                            Moisture:     max. 10%           0%           0%
                            Calcium:      min. 1.1%         1.2%          1.2%           OK
                            Phosphorus:   min. 0.9%         1.0%          1.0%           OK

                                Directly comparing the guaranteed values in Example A1 for crude protein, crude
                            fat, calcium, and phosphorus to the minimum values for growth given in the Dog Food
                            Nutrient Profile indicates this food  would appear to be  deficient.    However, this
                            comparison is not valid because the values for the food are listed on a 10% moisture
                            (90% DM) basis but the Profile values are given on a 0% moisture (100% DM) basis.
                            To put both sets of values on an equal-moisture basis, the guaranteed values  were
                            adjusted to 100% DM by dividing each  value by the proportion of DM in the food
                            (0.90).  With this correction, it becomes apparent that the moisture-adjusted guaranteed
                            analysis values of the reported nutrients do, in fact, meet the minimum recommended
                            concentrations of the Dog Food Nutrient Profile for Growth and Reproduction.
                                As an alternative method to converting the guaranteed values to a DM basis, the
                            Profile values can be adjusted to match the moisture content of the food.  This can be
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