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addition of taurine to such foods or increasing the intake   et al. 2003). In dogs, adequate levels of taurine are values
            of the precursors of taurine (methionine and cysteine)   greater than 40µmol/L in plasma and greater than
            can prevent such a decrease (Backus et al. 2003, Torres   200µmol/L in whole blood (Elliott et al. 2000).

            3.4 Conclusion

              The taurine values for cats, stated in the tables on   since dogs can synthesize taurine from sulphur amino
            pages 18-20, are starting points. Individual companies   acids, therefore dog foods should be formulated
            can have different levels of taurine in their products   to maintain adequate body reserves of taurine (>
            as long as they ensure that the products maintain   40µmol/L in plasma and >200µmol/L in whole blood).
            adequate blood value in the cat’s body (plasma levels
            should be greater than 50/60 µmol/L, > 200 µmol/L in   Analytical methods for taurine are given on page 40.
            whole blood). For dogs dietary taurine is not essential,

            3.5 References

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