Page 135 - Raw Diet References Book 2019
P. 135


              The arginine requirement increases with increased   The following tables outline the arginine
            protein content owing to its role as an intermediate   recommendations for various protein contents. All
            in the urea cycle. The NRC 2006 advises an extra 0.01g   values are stated as g/100g DM.
            arginine for every 1% increase in protein (% DM) above
            the recommended allowance for all life stages in dogs,
            and an extra 0.02g arginine for every 1% increase in
            protein for cats.

            Table VII-13. Increases in arginine requirement with increasing protein


                                             DOGS                                            CATS

                                                Arginine level                            All life stages
                               Adult        Growth      Early growth  Reproduction   Protein       Arginine

                 % DM        g/100g DM     g/100g DM     g/100g DM    g/100g DM       % DM        g/100g DM

                  18            0.52           -            -             -            25           1.00

                  20            0.54         0.69           -             -            28           1.06

                  22.5          0.57         0.72          0.79          0.79          30           1.10

                  25            0.59         0.74          0.82          0.82          35           1.20

                  30            0.64         0.79          0.87          0.87          40           1.30

                  35            0.69         0.84          0.92          0.92          45           1.40

                  40            0.74         0.89          0.97          0.97          50           1.50

                  45            0.79         0.94          1.02          1.02          55           1.60

                  50            0.84         0.99          1.07          1.07          60           1.70

                  55            0.89         1.04          1.12          1.12           -             -

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