Page 85 - Raw Diet References Book 2019
P. 85

Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids

              Omega-3 and Omega-6 poly-unsaturated long       a  Bauer JE, Heinemann KM, Bigley KE, et al. Maternal diet alpha-
            chain fatty acids (Growth & Reproduction) During    linolenic acid during gestation and lactation does not increase
            gestation and early life after birth, DHA and arachidonic   docosahexaenoic acid in canine milk. J. Nutr. 2004; 134 (8S):
            acid (AA) are selectively accumulated within the brain   2035S-2038S.
            and retina.  f Supplementation with  α-linolenic acid   b  Bauer J, Heinemann KM, Lees GE, Waldron MK. Retinal
            (ALA) and linoleic acid during gestation and lactation   functions  of  young  dogs  are improved and maternal plasma
            is an ineffective means of increasing the milk content   phospholipids are altered with diets containing long-chain n-3
            of DHA and AA respectively. a Although very young   PUFA during gestation, lactation and after weaning J. Nutr.
            puppies have the capacity to convert some ALA into   2006; 136: 1991S-1994S.
            DHA, after weaning puppies lose this capacity. c  c  Bauer JE, Heinemann KM, Lees GE, Waldron MK.
                                                                Docosahexaenoic acid accumulates in plasma of canine
              Moreover,  electroretinograms  have  revealed     puppies raised on α-linolenic acid-rich milk during suckling but
            improved vision in puppies from mothers fed n-3 long   not when fed α-linolenic acid-rich diets after weaning. J. Nutr.
            chain poly-unsaturated fatty acids and fed the same   2006; 136: 2087S-2089S.
            food after weaning. b, d, e Consequently it is preferable   d  Heinemann KM, Waldron MK, Bigley KE, et al. Long-Chain (n-3)
            to have small amounts of DHA and/or EPA, as well as   Polyunsa- turated fatty acids are more efficient than α-linolenic
            AA in foods for growth and reproduction to supply   acid in improving electroretinogram responses of puppies
            enough for neonatal nutritional modifications.      exposed during gestation, lactation, and weaning. J. Nutr. 2005;
                                                                135: 1960–1966.
                                                              e  Heinemann KM, Waldron MK, Bigley KE, Bauer JE. Improvement
                                                                of retinal function in canine puppies from mothers fed dietary
                                                                long chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids during gestation and
                                                                lactation. J Vet Int Med 2005; 19 (3): 442-443, Abstr. 155.
                                                              f  Heinemann KM, Bauer JE. Timely Topics in Nutrition -
                                                                Docosahexaenoic acid and neurologic development in animals.
                                                                J. Am Vet Med Assoc 2006; 228 (5): 700-705.

              Omega 3 fatty acids (Adult dogs) Although there   NRC 2006
            is increasing evidence of beneficial effects of omega-3
            fatty acids, the current information is insufficient to
            recommend a specific level of omega-3 fatty acids for
            adult dogs.

              Omega 3 vs. 6 FA (Adult dogs)  The effects of   a  Effect of dietary n-6-to n-3 fatty acid ratio on complete blood
            omega-3 fatty acids depend on the level as well as on   and total white blood cell counts, and T-cell subpopulations in
            the ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids. Very high   aged dogs. Am. J. Vet. Res. 1999; 60 (3): 319-327.
            levels of long chain omega-3 fatty acids can decrease   b  b Wander RC, Hall JA, Gradin JL, et al. The ratio of dietary (n-6) to
            cellular immunity, particularly in the presence of a   (n-3) fatty acids influences immune system function, eicosanoid
            low level of omega-6 fatty acids. a, b              metabolism, lipid peroxidation and vitamin E in aged dogs. J
                                                                Nutr 1997; 127: 1198-1997.

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