Page 84 - Raw Diet References Book 2019
P. 84


              Methionine-cystine    (Adult    dogs)     The   a  Sanderson SL, Gross KL, Ogburn PN, et al. (2001) Effects of
            recommended values are based on a dog food          dietary fat and L-carnitine on plasma and whole blood taurine
            containing a very low taurine content, i.e. <100mg/kg   concentrations and cardiac function in healthy dogs fed protein-
            dry matter.  a For products containing higher levels   restricted diets. Am. J. Vet. Res. 62: 1616-1623.
            of taurine the RA for sulphur amino acids can be
            lower than the values quoted in the table. For further
            information see taurine section ANNEX 2.

              Methionine In the case of lamb and rice foods, the   a  For details and references see ANNEX 2 – taurine.
            methionine level may have to be increased. a

              Cystine Sulphur amino acid requirements of cats   a  Blaza SE, Burger IH, Holme DW, Kendall PT. Sulfur-containing
            (Teeter et al., 1978) and dogs (Blaza et al., 1982) have   amino acid requirements of growing dogs. J Nutr. 1982 Nov;
            been determined through studies using methionine    112(11): 2033-42.
            and cystine. Cystine is a dimer of cysteine, during   b  Teeter RG, Baker DH, Corbin JE. Methionine and cystine
            analysis, cystine and cysteine are both determined as   requirements of the cat. J Nutr. 1978 Feb; 108(2): 291-5.
            cysteic acid in hydrolysates of oxidised sample, but
            calculated as cystine. a, b


               Tyrosine (All life stages) For maximisation of black   a  NRC Chapter 15. Nutrient Requirements and Dietary Nutrient
             hair colour, the tyrosine content may need to be 1.5   Concentrations. In: Nutrient Requirements of Dogs and Cats.
             to 2 times higher than the amount stated. a, b     The National Academic Press, Washington, DC. 2006: pp. 357-

                                                                363 tables 15-3, 15-5 and 15-8.
                                                              b   Biourge V., R. Sergheraert (2002). Hair pigmentation can be
                                                                affected diet in dogs. Proc. Comp. Nutr. Soc. Number 4, Kirk-
                                                                Baer, C.L., 103-104.


            Total fat

              Total fat (All life stages) Dogs fed foods containing   a  Lindsay S, Entenman C, Chaikoff IL. Pancreatitis accompanying
            normal levels of protein tolerate very high levels of fat   hepatic disease in dogs fed a high fat, low protein diet. Arch.
            (e.g. sled dogs). However very high fat foods with very   Path. 1948; 45: 635-638.
            low protein content have been linked with adverse
            effects in dogs. a

              Fat per se is not essential and as long as the
            minimum recommendation for all essential fatty
            acids is met or exceeded there is no risk of nutritional
            deficiency. Therefore the minimum recommendation
            for total fat in adult dogs with a MER of 95kcal/kg
            BW  has not been adjusted for energy intake versus
            the recommendation for adult dogs with a MER of
            110kcal/kgBW 0.75.

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