Page 69 - Raw Diet References Book 2019
P. 69

II         Introduction

              FEDIAF represents the national pet food industry  Complementary Pet Food for Cats and Dogs”, which is
            associations in the EU and from Bosnia-Herzegovina,  based on the state of the art knowledge on cat and
            Norway, Russia, Serbia and Switzerland, representing in  dog nutrition, providing pet food manufacturers with
            the region of 650 pet food factories across Europe.  nutritional recommendations to ensure the production
                                                              of well balanced and nutritionally sound pet food.
              One of FEDIAF’s main objectives is to ascertain the
            well-being of pets by providing well balanced and   This document is reviewed yearly and updated
            nutritionally sound pet food through its member  whenever there are new relevant technological, scientific
            companies. Therefore FEDIAF has compiled the  or legislative developments in pet nutrition.
            present  “Nutritional Guidelines for Complete and

            1. OBJECTIVES

              The objectives of FEDIAF’s Guidelines for
            Complete and Complementary Pet Foods for Cats     b. To be the reference document on pet nutrition
            and Dogs are:                                       in Europe for EU and local authorities, consumer
                                                                organisations, professionals, and customers.
            a. To contribute to the production of nutritionally
               balanced pet food, while complying with relevant   c.  To enhance cooperation between pet food
               EU legislation on animal nutrition. To achieve this   manufacturers, pet care professionals and competent
               objective, the guidelines incorporate up-to-date   authorities by providing scientifically sound
               scientific knowledge on cat and dog nutrition to:   information on the formulation and assessment of
                                                                pet foods.
               •  Provide practical nutrient recommendations
                for pet food manufacturers when formulating    d. To complement FEDIAF’s Guide to Good Practice
                their products for adult maintenance, growth    for the Manufacture of Safe Pet Foods and the
                and reproduction.                               FEDIAF’s Guide to Good Practice for Communication
                                                                on Pet Food.
               •  Help pet food manufacturers to assess the
                nutritional value of practical pet foods for
                healthy animals.

            2. SCOPE

              FEDIAF’s Nutritional Guidelines provide:        d. Annexes with advice on specific topics:

            a.  Recommendations  for  minimum  and  maximum     •  The levels in this guide reflect the amounts of
               nutrient levels in commercial pet foods for healthy   essential nutrients in commercial products
               dogs and cats, to ensure adequate and safe nutrition.  that are required to ensure adequate and safe
                                                                  nutrition in healthy individuals when consumed
            b. Guidance for the assessment of the nutritional     over time.
               value of pet foods.
                                                                •  The recommended minimum levels include a
            c.  Recommendations for energy intake.                safety margin to prevent deficiencies due to
                                                                  animal variations and nutrient interactions.

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