Page 64 - Raw Diet References Book 2019
P. 64


              Nutrition of dogs and cats is central for health   Proper  nutrition  ensuring  adequate  intakes  of
            and wellbeing. Scientific knowledge about nutrient   energy, protein, minerals and vitamins is essential
            requirements, digestion of feed and metabolism    for dogs and cats to ensure health and longevity.
            of  nutrients  are  the  guidelines  for  formulating   By now these revised nutrient recommendations
            appropriate diets for dogs and cats. It is therefore   take  the  current  state  of  knowledge  into  account.
            important that the composition and nutrient profiles   The recommended values are based on scientific
            of pet food corresponds to the specific nutritional   principles and take into account the requirements for
            requirements of dogs and cats in the different life   practical feeding. This enables the pet food industry
            cycles.                                           to adjust the quality of complete diets for dogs and
                                                              cats according to the scientific state of the art.
              The European pet food industry has taken up
            the task  of adapting the  recommendations for      Through ongoing communication, research and
            nutrient levels in pet food in close cooperation   critical evaluation of new findings FEDIAF and the SAB
            with  independent  scientists. A  significant  step  was   work on the adaptation of these recommendations in
            initiated in the year 2010, when a Scientific Advisory   a continuous process. The scientific SAB has set itself
            Board (SAB) with scientists from European countries   the task to accompany this development and to assist
            was installed. The SAB will ensure to maintain    FEDIAF in its commitment to safe and healthy pet food.
            the scientific standards of the recommended
            nutrient  levels  and  it  will  advise  FEDIAF  so  that           Prof. Jürgen Zentek, Chairman of the SAB
            latest research results are transferred into the
            guidelines and the current feeding practice.


              FEDIAF thanks everyone who has contributed to the   Guidelines and for the continuing scientific support
            quality of these Nutritional Guidelines, especially the   to the group.
            Scientific Advisory Board members for reviewing the

              Scientific Advisory Board:

               •  Prof. Biagi, Giacomo..........................................................Bologna (IT)
               •  Dr. Chandler, Marge..............................................................Edinburgh (UK)
               •  Dr. Dobenecker, Britta ......................................................München (DE)
               •  Prof. Hendriks, Wouter .....................................................Wageningen/Utrecht (NL)
               •  Dr. Hervera, Marta ............................................................... Nantes (FR)
               •  Prof. Hesta, Myriam ...........................................................Gent (BE)
               •  Prof. Iben, Christine...........................................................Wien (AT)
               •  Prof. Nguyen, Patrick ........................................................Nantes (FR)
               •  Prof. Paragon, Bernard .....................................................Maisons-Alfort (FR)
               •  Dr. Villaverde, Cecilia .........................................................Barcelona (ES)
               •  Prof. Zentek, Jürgen ..........................................................Berlin (DE)

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