Page 72 - Raw Diet References Book 2019
P. 72

1.3  Maximum levels of certain substances in pet food for cats and dogs

              For certain nutrients, FEDIAF has defined a     (EU Regulation 1831/2003 in conjunction with EU
            nutritional maximum level in these guidelines. This   register of feed additives). A legal maximum only
            is the maximum level of a nutrient in a complete   applies when the particular trace-element or vitamin
            pet food that, based on scientific data, has not been   is added to the recipe as an additive, but relates to
            associated with adverse effects in healthy dogs and   the ‘total’ amount present in the finished product
            cats. Levels exceeding the nutritional maximum may   [amount coming from the additive + amount from
            still be safe, however, no scientific data are currently   feed materials (ingredients)]. If the nutrient comes
            known to FEDIAF.                                  exclusively from feed materials, the legal maximum
                                                              does not apply, instead the nutritional maximum,
              Until further scientific data are available FEDIAF   when included in the relevant tables, should be taken
            recommends that commercial pet foods should not   into account.
            exceed this nutritional maximum.
                                                                Both groups of maximum values are reported in
              In addition, maximum permitted levels have been   the FEDIAF tables III-3  and III-4  and tables VII-18
            determined by the legislator for several nutrients if   and VII19 . EU legal limits are reported on dry matter
            added as a nutritional additive (i.e. trace elements   basis only to comply with Regulation 1831/2003/EC.
            & vitamin D) (legal maximum). They are laid down in
            the Community Register of Feed Additives pursuant   A non-exhaustive list of scientifically recognised
            to Regulation 1831/2003/EC of the Parliament and    analytical methods that can be used to assess the
            the Council, concerning additives in feeding stuffs.   nutrient levels in pet food is available in chapter V.
            The legal maximum levels apply to all life stages

            1.4  Product validation

              Before a product is placed on the market, it should   The following nutrients should be taken into
            have undergone the necessary procedures to ensure   consideration for evaluation of nutritional adequacy.
            its adequacy.

            Publication May 2017                                                                        12/100
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