Page 74 - Raw Diet References Book 2019
P. 74

1.6  Directions for use / feeding instructions

              The manufacturer is required to provide, as part   amounts to be fed. Feeding instructions could also
            of the statutory statement, directions for the proper   provide information about the frequency of feeding,
            use of a pet food indicating the purpose for which it is   the need to have water available, and possible need
            intended. The feeding instructions should be clear   to adapt the amount according to activity. ANNEX 1
            and complete, and give an indication of the daily    can be used as basis to calculate the amounts to feed.


            2.1  How to read the tables
                                                                Specific  recommendations  for  nutrient  intake
              Values are expressed as follows: recommended    during reproduction are only available for a few
            minimum value. These values are based on an average   nutrients. Hence, until more data become available,
            daily energy intake of either 95kcal/kg0.75 (398kJ/kg0.75)   recommendations in the tables combine early
            or 110kcal/kg0.75 (460kJ/kg0.75) for dogs and either   growth and reproduction for dogs, and growth
            75kcal/kg0.67 (314kJ/kg  0.67) or 100kcal/kg0.67 (418kJ/  and reproduction for cats. Where there are proven
            kg0.67) for cats.                                 differences between the two life stages both values
                                                              are stated.
              The maximum nutrient levels are listed in a
            separate column on the right and are indicated by (N)   They are declared as follows:  value for growth/
            for nutritional maximum and (L) for legal maximum.   value for reproduction.
            Legal maxima in EU legislation are expressed on 12%
            moisture content and they do not account for energy
            density. Therefore in these guidelines they are only  Table III-2. Conversion factors
            provided on a dry matter basis.
                                                               Units/100g DM    x 2.5     =   units/1000kcal

                                                               Units/100g DM   x 0.598    =      units/MJ
                For commercial dog and cat foods it is
               recommended that the nutrient levels are at     Units/1000kcal   x 0.4     =    units/100g DM
               or above the levels listed in the tables and do
               not exceed the nutritional or legal maximum. If   Units/1000kcal  x 0.239  =      units/MJ
               the protein digestibility of ≥ 80% (mentioned in
               the scope on page 8) cannot be guaranteed, it is   Units/MJ     x 1.6736   =    units/100g DM
               recommended to increase the essential amino
               acid levels by a minimum of 10%.                  Units/MJ      x 4.184    =   units/1000kcal

              An asterisk (*) indicates that there is further
            information in the substantiation section which      These conversions assume an energy density
            follows the nutrient recommendations.               of 16.7kJ (4.0kcal) ME/g DM. For foods with
                                                                energy densities different from this value, the
              The nutritional tables provide nutrient allowances   recommendations should be corrected for
            in “units/100g dry matter (DM)”, “units/1000kcal ME”   energy density.
            and “units/MJ ME”.

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