Page 189 - Raw Diet References Book 2019
P. 189

Proposed Revisions Edited per Comments for 2014 Official Publication    22

                            Regulation PF9.  After determining the energy density of the food, the nutrient values
                            can be converted to a per 4000 kcal ME/kg DM or a per 1000 kcal ME basis and
                            compared to the values in the appropriate AAFCO Nutrient Profile.

                                     Example B1:  A Canned Cat Food Making a Growth Claim:
                                      Moisture and Energy Adjusted Guaranteed Analysis Values

                                                                                             Status of
                                                                 Moisture &    Growth &      Energy
                                                     Moisture -    Energy-   Reproduction   Adjusted
                                                      Adjusted    Adjusted     Cat Food    Guaranteed
                                        Guaranteed  Guaranteed  Guaranteed      Profile    Analysis vs.
                                          Analysis    Analysis    Analysis   Values per kg   Profile
                             Nutrient     Values       Values      Values         DM         Values
                            Protein:    min. 9%         36%        32.1%         30.0          OK
                            Crude Fat:   min. 7%        28%        25.0%          9.0          OK
                            Fiber:      max. 1%
                            Moisture:   max. 75%        0%           0%
                            Ash:        max. 2%
                            Calcium:    min. 0.25%      1.0%       0.89%          1.0          Low
                            Phosphorus:  min. 0.2%      0.8%       0.71%          0.8          Low
                            Energy:     1120 kcal     4480 kcal   4000 kcal     4000 kcal
                                        ME/kg AF     ME/kg DM    ME/kg DM      ME/kg DM
                            a                                                        b
                              Energy = (3.5 x g Crude Protein) + (8.5 x g Crude Fat) + (3.5 x g Nitrogen Free Extract  (CHO))
                            = (3.5 x 90) + (8.5 x 70) + (3.5 x 60) = 1120
                              % Nitrogen Free Extract = 100- (% Crude Protein + % Crude Fat + % Crude Fiber + % Moisture + % Ash)

                                A cursory examination of the values listed in the guaranteed analysis compared to
                            the minimum values given in the Cat Food Nutrient Profiles expressed as per kg DM
                            containing 4000 kcal ME  revealed that a direct comparison  would not be valid.
                            Because the food in Example B1 was 75% moisture (25% DM), the major reason for
                            the discrepancy  was likely due to  water content.    By  first dividing the guaranteed
                            values by the proportion of DM (0.25), the moisture-adjusted guaranteed values were
                            derived. Comparing these corrected values with the Profile values, this food appeared
                            to meet the minimums for a growth claim.
                                However, in this example, direct comparison of the moisture-adjusted guaranteed
                            values with the Profile values was premature.  The high DM crude fat content of the
                            food compared to the Profile value (25% vs. 9.0%) was an indication that the food was
                            probably more energy-dense than the Profile value of 4000 kcal ME/kg DM.  When
                            calculated, in fact, it was found to be 4480 kcal ME/kg DM (1120 kcal ME/kg AF).
                            Therefore a second adjustment to account  for the differences in energy density  was
                            warranted.  This was achieved by dividing each moisture-adjusted guaranteed value by
                            4480 (the DM energy density of the food) and then multiplying the result by 4000 (the
                            standard energy density).  This second manipulation revealed that the energy-adjusted
                            guaranteed analysis  values  for the calcium and phosphorus  were, in  fact, below
                            minimum concentrations for growth.
                                As demonstrated  with the  moisture correction  methods above, an alternative to
                            correcting the values of the food to meet the Profile energy density is correcting the
                            Profile  values to meet  the food's energy density.    Below, each Profile value  was
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