Page 119 - Raw Diet References Book 2019
P. 119

b) The ME in products of vegetable or animal    sources; highly digestible special products such
            origin, in their natural state, fresh or preserved,   as milk substitutes or diets for enteral nutrition
            such as meat, offal, milk products, cooked starch   has to be predicted with the following equations.


              kcal ME =                 (4 x % protein) + (9 x % fat) + (4 x % NFE)

              kJ ME   =                 (16.7 x % protein) + (37.6 x % fat) + (16.7 x % NFE)]


              kcal ME =                (4 x % protein) + (8.5 x % fat) + (4 x % NFE)

              kJ ME   =                (16.7 x % protein) + (35.6 x % fat) + (16.7 x % NFE)

              c) Determination of ME content of foods by      1.25kcal/g digestible crude protein (5.23kJ/g) for dogs
            feeding trials                                    and 0.9kcal/g (3.77kJ/g) for cats (NRC 2006a).
              Manufacturers should be aware that feeding trials
            are regarded as the gold standard for determination   FEDIAF recommends that members who  wish to
            of the energy content of any pet food. Using the trials   use feeding trials should  employ  the quantitative
            described in Chapter VI  the digestible energy  (DE)   collection protocol described in Chapter VI, Section 2.
            can be accurately measured. An approximate factor
            to convert digestible into metabolizable energy is
            0.9. Alternatively, NRC 2006 recommends subtracting

            2.3 Literature review on energy requirements of dogs

              While the formulae give average metabolizable   size between the different breeds, which, with mature
            energy needs, actual needs of cats and dogs may   body weights ranging from one kg (Chihuahua) to
            vary greatly depending on various factors (Meyer &   90kg or more (St. Bernard), is the greatest diversity
            Zentek 2005, NRC 1985 & 2006).                    across mammalian species (Lauten 2006). The
                                                              amount of energy a particular dog will finally need is
              Energy allowances, recommended for maintenance   significantly influenced by factors such as age, breed,
            of adult dogs, differ widely, with figures ranging from   size, activity, environment, temperament, insulation
            less than 90kcal ME/kg0.75 (377kJ) to approximately   characteristics of skin and hair coat, body condition
            200kcal ME/kg0.75 (810kJ). This diversity is not   or disease.
            surprising when we consider the variation in adult

            2.3.1 Maintenance Energy Requirements (MER) of adult dogs

              Energy requirements of animals with widely      daily energy requirements of dogs most often
            differing body weights are not correlated with kg   are calculated in function of a metabolic weight,
            body weight (BW) in a linear way (Meyer & Heckötter   which equals kg0.75. Its accuracy for dogs has been
            1986, NRC 1985). Energy requirements are more     questioned, and a valid alternative (kg0.67) is more
            closely related to BW raised to some power: The   related to body surface, and may thus better reflect

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