Page 118 - Raw Diet References Book 2019
P. 118

a ) Predictive Equations (NRC 2006a) for ME in   ME in prepared pet foods for cats and dogs (dry and
            prepared foods for dogs and cats For calculation of   wet) the following 4-step-calculation can be used:

              1.      Calculate GE

                      GE (kcal) =               (5.7 x % protein) + (9.4 x % fat) + [4.1 x (% NFE + % crude fibre)]

                      GE (kJ) =                 (23.85 x % protein) + (39.33 x % fat) + [17.15 x (% NFE + % crude fibre)]

              2.      Calculate energy digestibility (%):

              Dogs:   % energy digestibility =  91.2 – (1.43 x % crude fibre in DM)

              Cats:   % energy digestibility =  87.9 – (0.88 x % crude fibre in DM)

              3.      Calculate digestible energy:

                      kcal DE =                 (kcal GE x energy digestibilty) / 100

                      kJ DE =                   (kJ GE x energy digestibilty) / 100

              4.      Convert into metabolizable energy:

              Dogs:   kcal ME =                 kcal DE – (1.04 x % protein)

                      kJ ME =                   kJ DE – (4.35 x % protein)

              Cats:   kcal ME =                 kcal DE – (0.77 x % protein)

                      kJ ME =                   kJ DE – (3.22 x % protein)

              Note: In dog foods with crude fibre content above   accurate estimate of ME compared to the modified
            8 % in DM and a high percentage of fermentable NSP   Atwater method in dry pet foods;
            in the crude fibre fraction the predictive equation can   •   The  modified  Atwater  method  and  the  NRC
            underestimate the energy density.                 equations provide an equally moderate accuracy of
              Recent reviews (Calvez et al. 2012a; Calvez et al.   ME estimation for wet foods for both dogs and cats.
            2012b; Dobenecker 2015) comparing the accuracy      The above-mentioned findings will be used for the
            between the modified Atwater method and the       development of a European Standard referencing
            equations cited by the National Research Council   the predictive equations described in a  for the
            (NRC) versus measured ME have shown the following:  calculation and declaration of the energy density in
              •   The  equations  cited  by  NRC  provide  a  more   prepared pet foods.

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