Page 117 - Raw Diet References Book 2019
P. 117

2.2.1 Gross energy

              The gross energy (GE) of a food is defined as the total   2006a). The predicted GE values of protein, fat and
            chemical combustible energy arising from complete   carbohydrate are listed in table VII-5.
            combustion of a food in a bomb calorimeter (NRC

            Table VII-5.

            Predicted gross energy values of protein, fat and carbohydrate

              Nutrient                                                Gross Energy

              Crude protein                             5.7kcal/g                        23.8kJ/g

              Fat                                       9.4kcal/g                        39.3kJ/g

              NFE + Crude fibre                         4.1kcal/g                        17.1kJ/g

            (Kienzle et al. 2002; NRC 2006a) NFE = nitrogen free extract

            2.2.2 Metabolizable energy

              Digestible energy and metabolizable energy are a   years, and their accuracy and precision have been
            more accurate way of expressing the energy density   compared to those of equations developed from
            of a food. Metabolizable energy reflects better the   animal feeding studies. Within the Petfood industry
            energy that is utilised by the animal, but is more   the  most  commonly  used  predictive  equations
            difficult to determine. The metabolizable energy   for prepared pet foods are the “modified Atwater”
            (ME) of a pet food is measured most accurately by   equation and two equations (one for dog foods and
            performing  digestibility  trials  using  one  of  the  two   one for cat foods) cited by the National Research
            methods described in Chapter VI. Since animal studies   Council (NRC, 2006). However, there is currently no
            are labour intensive, predictive equations are used   uniformity as to their use. Considering the labelling
            extensively for calculating metabolizable energy (ME)   declarations required  for  certain pet food  products
            concentrations of dog and cat foods. Several of these   listed in Annex I to Directive 2008/38/EC it is clear that
            predictive equations have been developed during the   there is a need for harmonisation at EU level.

              a) Predictive Equations for ME in prepared foods for dogs and cats

              a ) Modified Atwater factors  For processed pet   based on an average digestibility of 90% for fat, 85% for
            food “modified” Atwater factors can be used; they are   carbohydrate (NFE) and 80% for protein (NRC 1985b).

              kcal ME /100g =             % crude protein x 3.5 + % crude fat x 8.5 + % NFE x 3.5 (AAFCO 2008)

              kJ ME /100g =               % crude protein x 14.65 + % crude fat x 35.56 + % NFE x 14.65

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